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Oltman, Gretchen A.

Gretchen A. Oltman

Gretchen Oltman, J.D., Ph.D. has spent over a decade in education, including many years as a high school English teacher. She is a licensed attorney in the state of Nebraska and holds a Ph.D. in Educational Studies from the University of Nebraska. Oltman spent most of her career as a high school English teacher where she focused on Freshman English courses.

Cooper, Ned A.

Ned (Nic) A. Cooper

Nic Cooper, Ed.D., LPC, LMSW, has 34 years of experience in public education as a counselor, alternative education developer, assistant principal and principal. He spent most of his career at the middle school level after beginning as a high school counselor. Prior to his retirement, his middle school was named as one of Michigan’s first Schools to Watch in 2006. He has also worked as a substance abuse counselor and a probation officer.

Smith, Margaret (Peg)

Margaret (Peg) Smith

Margaret (Peg) Smith is a Professor Emerita at University of Pittsburgh. Over the past three decades she has been developing research-based materials for use in the professional development of mathematics teachers.

Stein, Mary K. (Kay)

Mary Kay Stein

Mary Kay Stein is Professor Emerita at the University of Pittsburgh where she held a joint appointment as Professor in the School of Education and Senior Scientist at the Learning Research and Development Center. Her research focuses on the teaching and learning of mathematics in elementary and middle schools with a particular focus on the identification and implementation of high-cognitive-demand instructional tasks.

Sladkey, David U.

David U. Sladkey

David Sladkey has been teaching high school mathematics for 37 years. He was named Teacher of the Year for Naperville School District 203 in 2007 and the Office Max Innovative Teacher of the Month in March of 2009. David was the Illinois 2019 awardee of the Presidential Award for Excellence in Math and Science Teaching (PAEMST).

Denti, Louis G.

Louis G. Denti

Dr. Louis Denti, a former special educator and administrator, is currently the Lawton Love Distinguished Professor of Special Education and Director of the Center for Reading Diagnosis and Instruction at California State University, Monterey Bay. His research focuses on student behavior, special education, inclusion, and literacy.

Zhao, Yong

Yong Zhao

Yong Zhao is a Foundation Distinguished Professor in the School of Education at the University of Kansas and a professor in Educational Leadership at the Melbourne Graduate School of Education in Australia.

DeWitt, Peter M.

Peter M. DeWitt

Peter DeWitt (Ed.D) is the founder and CEO of the Instructional Leadership Collective. He was a K-5 teacher for 11 years and a principal for 8 years. For the last 10 years, he has been facilitating professional learning nationally, and internationally, based on the content of many of his best-selling educational books. 

Toll, Cathy A.

Cathy A. Toll

Cathy A. Toll is a consultant and author who supports learning by helping professional learning teams, educational coaches, and school leaders to invest in teachers’ capacity to make a difference for students.. She has published widely for teacher leaders, including four books for coaches and numerous articles in professional journals.
