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Stuart, Dave

Dave Stuart Jr.

Dave Stuart Jr. is a husband and father who teaches high school in Cedar Springs, MI. His blog,, is read by over 50,000 educators each month, and his bestselling These 6 Things: How to Focus Your Teaching on What Matters Most has been cherished by teachers and leaders around the world.

Feldman, Joe

Joseph Charles Feldman

Joe Feldman has worked in education at the local and national levels for over twenty years in both charter and district school contexts, and as a teacher, principal, and district administrator. He began his career as a high school English and American history teacher in Atlanta Public Schools and was the founding principal of a charter high school in Washington, DC.

Peeples, Shanna

Shanna F. Peeples

Shanna Peeples, the 2015 National Teacher of the Year, took the road less travelled on the way to her classroom. She worked as a disc jockey, medical assistant, and journalist before teaching, as she says, chose her.

Dance, S. Dallas

Shaun Dallas Dance

Internationally-renowned educator and speaker, Dr. S. Dallas Dance envisions and leads change that creates opportunities for all young people—including students of color and those living in poverty—to thrive as critical thinkers, thoughtful leaders, and lifelong learners.

Springer, Ben

Ben Springer

Ben Springer is an award-winning and nationally certified school psychologist. Dr. Springer is also the author of the popular books Happy Kids Don’t Punch You in the Face (2018) and GPS: Good Parenting Strategies (2021). Dr. Springer has served in schools as an autism specialist, school psychologist, behavior specialist, and Director of Special Education. In 2017, Dr.



Retool Your Whole School for EL Achievement

If we’re to counter the commonly held narrative of predictable failure among our English learners, then every teacher, every coach, every administrator must have an expert’s understanding of the conditions, tools, and strategies that best support English language development together with content mastery.  Put simply: It takes a school . . . plus a professional learning plan steeped in evidence. 

Research Base

The Carnegie Corporation of New York

The Carnegie Corporation of New York invited Margarita Calderón and Associates to develop a professional development program in Kuai, Hawaii, in collaboration with middle and high school teachers working with ELs and struggling readers. After two years, the lowest-performing schools piloted:

Core Services

Who Should Participate?

  • K-12 teachers of math, science, social studies, ELA, and ELD
  • Administrators
  • Supervisors
  • Coaches

Three-Day Complete ExC-ELL 101 Academy
