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Burg, Samantha S.

Samantha S. Burg

Samantha S. Burg is a doctoral student in Educa­tional Psychology, Measurement, and Evaluation at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill. She holds a BS degree in engineering from the University of Oklahoma and an MA degree in mathematics education from the University of Georgia. Prior to beginning her doctoral program, she worked in the field of petroleum engineering in Alaska, served as a youth minister in Scotland, and taught high school mathematics in Georgia.

Mikie Loughridge

Mary E. (Mikie) Loughridge, Ed. D. is currently serving as a secondary Principal Coach for the Los Angeles County Office of Education and the Southern California Comprehensive Assistance Center’s Office of the Regional System of District and School Support (RSDSS). She served as a special education teacher at the middle and high school levels, as a continuation high school teacher, and as a high school vice principal and principal.

Loren R. Tarantino

Loren Tarantino has a unique history of employment and training in education. Loren is currently the principal of a private high school in San Diego, California. Prior to this assignment she spent twenty-nine years in public schools working as a secondary school classroom teacher, middle school administrator, and district office administrator in student support services, curriculum and instruction, and human resources.

Adelman, Howard S.

Howard S. Adelman

Howard S. Adelman is professor of psychology and codirector of the School Mental Health Project and its federally supported National Center for Mental Health in Schools at UCLA. He began his professional career as a remedial classroom teacher in 1960. In 1973, he returned to UCLA in the role of professor of psychology and also was the director of the Fernald School and Laboratory until 1986.

Taylor, Linda

Linda Taylor

Linda Taylor is codirector of the School Mental Health Project and its federally supported national Center for Mental Health in Schools at UCLA.

Lawrence E. Steel

Lawrence Steel is a special services teacher at Centennial High School in Ellicott City, Maryland.  Prior to becoming a teacher in 1993, he worked as a computer system operator for a United States Senator in Washington D.C.

Burke, Kathleen B.

Kathleen B. Burke

Kay Burke has served as an award-winning classroom teacher and a school administrator, university instructor, and international professional developer. She works with Kay Burke & Associates, LLC, to provide workshops for teachers and administrators in standards-based learning, performance assessment, classroom management, mentoring, and portfolio development.
