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Hodges, Diane

Diane Hodges

Diane Hodges is the managing partner of Threshold Group, an educational consulting firm in San Diego. After 30+ years as an educator, she is sharing her insights through books and international speaking events. Her wit and humor have delighted audiences and readers everywhere. She has served as an executive director of career and technical education, director of instructional services, director of human resources, secondary principal, counselor, and instructor.

E. Joseph Schneider

E. Joseph Schneider has been in education for more than 30 years as an association executive, research manager, and communication director. He is Managing Partner of Leadership Develop­ment Resources, an educational consulting com­pany based in Arlington, Virginia. Concurrently, he also serves as executive secretary of the National Policy Board for Educational Administration, a coalition of ten national education associations concerned about educational leadership.

Hollenczer, Lara L.

Lara L. Hollenczer

Lara L. Hollenczer, the mother of two public school youngsters, is heavily involved in local educational issues as a parent, community activist, and local business owner. Professionally, she made her mark by helping law firms har­ness the capacity of the Internet for “branding” their firms, conducting market research, and developing new clients.

Lee Watanabe-Crockett

Lee Crockett is a national award-winning designer, marketing consultant, entrepreneur, artist, author, and international keynote speaker. He is the director of media for the InfoSavvy Group and the managing partner of the 21st Century Fluency Project. Lee is a "just in time learner" who is constantly adapting to the new programs, languages, and technologies associated with today’s communications and marketing media.

Aaron Mathias Kuntz

Aaron M. Kuntz is Assistant Professor of Qualitative Research Methodology at the University of Alabama. His research interests include social contexts of education, organizational culture, qualitative inquiry, identity theory, and democracy within the academy. Recently, he cotaught a course introducing inquiry to doctoral students with Rallis and Rossman.

Elliott, Daniel C.

Daniel C. Elliott

A native of Southern California, Dan grew up in a family that struggled to make ends meet. Drawn to the greater cause of making a life different for children trapped by poverty, Dan began teaching in an elementary school district in 1970 and taught most subjects at each grade from kindergarten through 9th in those early years, many in multi-age and looping classroom situations.

Beattie, John R.

John R. Beattie

John Beattie earned his doctorate from the University of Florida in 1981. Following a period during which he taught in the Alachua County (FL) public schools, he joined the faculty at the University of Missouri- St. Louis in 1982. The following year a position became available at the University of North Carolina Charlotte and he began his tenure at UNCC at that time. He has been at UNCC since 1983.

Jordan, LuAnn

LuAnn Jordan

LuAnn Jordan earned her doctorate from the University of Florida in 1995, working as a research coordinator until moving to the University of North Carolina at Charlotte in 1997 as the Faculty Coordinator of the Distance Education Master's Program in Special Education. While at UNC Charlotte, she has served in various teaching, research, and service capacities, including Co-Director of a personnel preparation program in Inclusion.

Smith, Rick

Rick Smith

Rick Smith is an award-winning teacher, education consultant, and international presenter. He taught students in San Rafael, California for over fifteen years (with a primary focus on students at risk), and was a mentor/support provider and mentor coordinator for seven years.

Avelar La Salle, Robin L.

Robin L. Avelar La Salle

Robin Avelar La Salle grew up in Echo Park, near downtown Los Angeles. Avelar La Salle holds a Ph.D. in Education from Stanford University with emphasis on Language, Literacy and Culture. She taught elementary, middle, high school and university students in Southern and Northern California. Avelar La Salle spent years as the Administrator for Curriculum, Staff Development and Assessment at a school district outside of Los Angeles.

Jean Schumaker

Dr. Schumaker is Associate Director of the University of Kansas Center for Research on Learning. She has spent the last 32 years studying the problems of adolescents and developing educational interventions for them.  Together with Don Deshler and others at the Center, she co-developed the Strategies Intervention Model, a comprehensive program for students with learning disabilities.  Dr.
