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118 Results Found for "C19"


"Put It in Writing" Wall Chart & Student Handout
"Put It in Writing" Wall Chart & Student Handout

This reproducible chart and student handout from Teaching Numeracy remind students of the importance of recording what they have learned, what they noticed, what makes sense, etc. (K-12)


Webinar: Your Mathematics Formative Assessment Game Plan
Webinar: Your Mathematics Formative Assessment Game Plan

Join Francis "Skip" Fennell, author of The Formative 5, as he unpacks teacher and classroom-tested mathematics formative assessment techniques that have a big impact on student learning. 

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Counting Backward Lesson
Counting Backward Lesson

Using Audrey & Bruce Wood's book Ten Little Fish, students learn to count backward from 10 by 1s, a precursor for subtraction. This lesson appears in Numbers & Stories. (Elementary)


Classroom Formative Assessment Matrix
Classroom Formative Assessment Matrix

Learn how to use this Matrix featured in Realizing Rigor to refine strategies and select student actions. (Secondary)

