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5 Results Found for "CAQ"

Connecting SEL to Academic Outcomes
Connecting SEL to Academic Outcomes

"Skills that students develop in social and emotional learning—empathy, collaboration, and so on—are closely connected to standards in many academic subjects." Read the full article by Mauric Elias, author of The Other Side of the Report Card, on Edutopia. 

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Podcast: Leading SEL by Modeling It With James Bailey & Randy Weiner
Podcast: Leading SEL by Modeling It With James Bailey & Randy Weiner

In this Leaders Coaching Leaders podcast episode, The Daily SEL Leader authors discuss how social-emotional learning is personal work, and school leaders have to be willing to engage in the work themselves before they can lead others in doing the work.

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Invest in your students' ability to learn about their strengths
Invest in your students' ability to learn about their strengths

Use this strength-focused question list from The Social-Emotional Learning Playbook to ensure students are able to learn about their own individual strengths. 


Emotional regulation continues with students
Emotional regulation continues with students

Emotional regulation for students begins with learning the names of emotions and matching those labels to how they are feeling; the zones of regulation and the wheel of emotion in The Social-Emotional Learning Playbook can aid this process. 
