In this Leaders Coaching Leaders podcast episode, power house speaker and author Debbie Silver joins Peter DeWitt to talk about the importance of reaching students with authenticity and empowering them with high expectations.
In this Leaders Coaching Leaders podcast episode, power house speaker and author Debbie Silver joins Peter DeWitt to talk about the importance of reaching students with authenticity and empowering them with high expectations.
Dr. Horacio Sanchez brings a wealth of expertise and knowledge to this Leaders Coaching Leaders podcast episode deep dive into the effects of poverty on learning.
Authors of Great Teaching by Design John Hattie, Vince Bustamante, John Almarode, Douglas Fisher, and Nancy Frey lead you through how to turn good intentions into great practice through a model of implementation.
Listen as author Christine Mason discusses mindfulness strategies for addressing trauma in school on the Cultivating Resilience podcast.
Listen in as Serena Pariser, author of Real Talk About Classroom Management, shares her practical classroom management strategies that can be implemented into any classroom.
Hear from Nottingham and Renton why and how classroom discussion can be one of the most important vehicles for student learning.
Find out from Julie Stern how to move beyond surface learning to achieve deeper comprehension.
Hear from James Nottingham, author of The Learning Challenge, as he explains the Learning Pit and what the best "Pit Tools" are for student learning.
Learn from Homa Tavangar and Becky Morales, authors of The Global Education Toolkit for Elementary Learners, how to build global and cultural awareness inside the classroom with year-round activities.
Uncover from William Bender how project-based learning can aid in the implementation of the Common Core State Standards.
Students and teachers can use the “How Are You Intelligent?” Checklist from Gayle Gregory’s Differentiated Instructional Strategies to increase personal awareness around their areas of strength. (K-12)
Excerpted from Thinking Through Project-Based Learning, this list of over 75 project ideas—complete with guiding questions and grade ranges—is a great resource for getting started. (K-12)