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46 Results Found for "visible learning"


Making Learning Visible in Early Childhood Through Play
Making Learning Visible in Early Childhood Through Play

Research shows PLAY WORKS in #EarlyChildhoodEducation—but what makes it most effective? The Visible Learning in Early Childhood authors share how you can use play to accelerate learning.

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Tips and Consideration for Playful Learning
Tips and Consideration for Playful Learning

As you intentionally plan your language for creating rich verbal inquiry in playful learning, consider these guidelines and tips from Visible Learning in Early Childhood.


Recognizing Learning Through Self-Questioning
Recognizing Learning Through Self-Questioning

Douglas Fisher and Nancy Frey focus on the teacher and student materials they developed to teach students how to take increased responsibility for their learning, concluding their series on Developing Assessment-Capable, Visible Learners

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Feedback that Promotes Academic Growth Podcast with Doug Fisher
Feedback that Promotes Academic Growth Podcast with Doug Fisher

On this LLCN Brief podcast episode, Visible Learning for Literacy co-author Doug Fisher shares his perspective related to Feedback and the research surrounding the use of feedback to influence growth. 

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Distance Learning Up Close: Teaching for Engagement and Impact in Any Setting
Distance Learning Up Close: Teaching for Engagement and Impact in Any Setting

In this webinar, Douglas Fisher, Nancy Frey, and John Hattie draw on their newly published The Distance Learning Playbook to reveal what works best in teaching, assessing, and planning in your online classroom—per 25+ years of Visible Learning® research and evidence.

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Chapter 5: Visible Learning and Understanding the World in Early Childhood
Chapter 5: Visible Learning and Understanding the World in Early Childhood

In Chapter 5 from Visible Learning in Early Childhood, the authors focus on the following questions: What works best in early childhood learning as children learn about their world? How do we activate learning in our young learners in ways that help them better understand the world?

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The introduction to 10 Mindframes for Leaders introduces important leadership practices for the VISIBLE LEARNING(R) framework and explains why teachers should use this book as a guide.


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Webinar: Visible Learning for Social Studies
Webinar: Visible Learning for Social Studies

How do we maximize precious time to ensure that students grasp enough to prepare them for informed civic life? The discipline of social studies is far more than memorizing dates and facts. It involves the skillful ability to conduct investigations, analyze sources, place events in historical and cultural context, and synthesize various points of view, while recognizing our own biases. Join Julie Stern in this webinar to understand how using the right approach at the right time can maximize student learning.

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Examples of Surface, Deep, and Transfer Strategies in Geography
Examples of Surface, Deep, and Transfer Strategies in Geography

This excerpt includes examples of surface, deep, and transfer strategies for geography in Visible Learning for Social Studies.


