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Clarifying Transfer: The Ultimate Goal of Learning
Clarifying Transfer: The Ultimate Goal of Learning

"They want kids to see the world differently, and to be empowered to act differently, because of what they have learned. It seems that the goal of all learning—not just conceptual understanding—is transfer." Read more from Julie Stern, author of Tools for Teaching Conceptual Understanding, Elementary, on Corwin Connect.

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The InterActive Classroom Introduction
The InterActive Classroom Introduction

In this introduction from The InterActive Classroom, author Ron Nash discusses the role of iGen'ers in the classroom and how to bring them from being passive attendees to active participants.


Routine 4: Two Wrongs and a Right
Routine 4: Two Wrongs and a Right

This lesson from Daily Routines to Jump-Start Math Class, High School, allows student to work through multiple mathematical arguments in order to identify the errors in the argument. Students will have the opportunity analyze these errors in order promote higher level thinking in their path to finding the correct argument. 


Routine 13: Where's the Point?
Routine 13: Where's the Point?

This routine from Daily Routines to Jump-Start Math Class, Elementary, helps students develop a more robust understanding of—and flexible thinking about—numbers and their relationships, which positions them for greater success when working with numbers. 


Webinar: Jumpstart Student Reasoning and Number Sense, Grades 3-8
Webinar: Jumpstart Student Reasoning and Number Sense, Grades 3-8

In this session led by John SanGiovanni, author of Daily Routines to Jump-Start Math Class, Middle School, participants learn about dynamic, practical routines for developing number sense and fluency with whole numbers, fractions, decimals, ratio, and operations.

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