Common Causes of the Achievement Gaps
Common Causes of the Achievement Gaps
What are eCourses?
Corwin eCourses provide a meaningful and convenient online experience that meets the diverse needs of 21stcentury educators and are:
Valley View School District in Illinois unpacks data and evidence to achieve teacher clarity and improve student outcomes
Through the 5 Phases of YES, students will gain the skills, training, and empowerment necessary to help recognize educational disparities and become active contributors to bottom-up school improvement efforts.
Benjie Howard
Identity safety is an approach where educators create conditions for students of all backgrounds to achieve at high academic levels based on the assumption that each student is competent and capable and will thrive in an atmosphere of acceptance and compassion.
The global pandemic challenged our education system in unprecedented ways. As our communities rebound and recover, we have a unique opportunity to re-envision education in ways that better serve all our students.
The global pandemic challenged our education system in unprecedented ways. As our communities rebound and recover, we have a unique opportunity to re-envision education in ways that better serve all our students.
The foundational 5 phases underpin the Deep Equity process to establish a safe climate that allows staff and students to engage in open conversations about persistent inequities, identify the root causes of inequities in educational systems, focus on practical applications of culturally responsive practices for classroom teachers, and create a long-term, sustainable plan for systemic transformation.