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57 Results Found for "Fisher Frey"


Fisher & Frey's Close and Critical Reading Webinar
Fisher & Frey's Close and Critical Reading Webinar

Hear from Douglas Fisher and Nancy Frey about their one-of-a-kind coaching platform for making proficient reading the next PD initiative across all K-12 classrooms. 

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Case Study: Developing Proficient Readers
Case Study: Developing Proficient Readers

Read about Chula Vista Elementary School District's success partnering with Douglas Fisher and the Fisher/Frey Reading Collaborative program.


Case Study: Close & Critical Reading Collaborative
Case Study: Close & Critical Reading Collaborative

Read about Bakersfield City School District's success partnering with Douglas Fisher, Nancy Frey, and the rest of the Close and Critical Reading team.


Introduction to Comprehension
Introduction to Comprehension

In the Introduction from Comprehension by Douglas Fisher, Nancy Frey, and Nicole Law, they introduce a new model of reading comprehension instruction.


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Webinar: Simultaneous and Hybrid Teaching: Roomies and Zoomies Learning Together
Webinar: Simultaneous and Hybrid Teaching: Roomies and Zoomies Learning Together

In this webinar, Douglas Fisher, John Almarode, Nancy Frey, and Aleigha Henderson-Rosser guide viewers to extract, integrate, and implement what works best from both distance learning and face-to-face learning environments.

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Webinar: Going Deeper with Distance Learning
Webinar: Going Deeper with Distance Learning

In this webinar, Doug Fisher, Nancy Frey, and John Hattie discuss cohesive instructional design tools powered by formative evaluation, tools for supporting school leaders working at a distance, and ways to deepen partnerships between home and school

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Neuroscience Meets Social and Emotional Learning Podcast: Developing and Delivering High Quality Distance Learning for Students
Neuroscience Meets Social and Emotional Learning Podcast: Developing and Delivering High Quality Distance Learning for Students

Doug Fisher and Nancy Frey talk with Andrea Samadi about The Distance Learning Playbook

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4 steps for powerful distance-learning experiences
4 steps for powerful distance-learning experiences

The Distance Learning Playbook co-authors Douglas Fisher and Nancy Frey share their recommendations for the distance classroom. 

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