Clarity for Learning
Five Essential Practices That Empower Students and Teachers
- John Almarode - James Madison University, USA
- Kara Vandas - Corwin Author and Consultant
Foreword by John Hattie, Afterword by Larry Ainsworth
With the ever-changing landscape of education, teachers and leaders often find themselves searching for clarity in a sea of standards, curriculum resources, and competing priorities. Clarity for Learning offers a simple and doable approach to developing clarity and sharing it with students. Are both teachers and students clear about what must be learned, why students are learning it, and how they can be successful? Are students able to determine their next steps in learning through quality feedback and assessment? Have teachers had the time and support to collaborate around clarity to ensure an aligned approach within your school system?
This book offers five powerful practices that include:
- Gaining clarity
- Sharing clarity
- Feedback with clarity
- Assessing with clarity
- Collaborating with clarity
In addition, the book is chock-full of examples from teachers and leaders across North America who have shared their journey, struggles, and successes to provide examples, exemplars, and models for readers to use to propel their own work forward. This is a don’t-miss resource!
Free resources
Clarity for Learning Study Guide
Use this study guide to Clarity for Learning to lead a book study and dive deep into the concepts presented in the book.
Webinar: Teacher Clarity
Explore with Kara Vandas, co-author of Clarity for Learning, the simple, yet powerful practices that streamline instruction and assessment, and drastically accelerate learning.
"Clarity for Learning delivers just what its title promises: a clear and purposeful guide to making a great difference in how your students learn. This book is necessary for any educator who wants to meet their students where they are and show them just how far they can take their learning."
"Clarity for Learning provides the scaffolding needed by both novice and experienced educators as they endeavor to make learning more meaningful for students and provide the type of instructional setting that promotes student achievement."
"Clarity for Learning is a valuable book for a wide audience and is on its way to making an impact on the effectiveness of American classrooms."