Below you will find information that helps inform your decision to bring Douglas Fisher, Nancy Frey, or a member of their collaborative in for extended professional learning on Close & Critical Reading in your school or district.
Corwin’s programmatic resources provide the educators of tomorrow with affordable and effective strategies to build practical foundations today, and become learner-ready on day one.
Konocti Unified School District in northern California has a hard-working staff. The Visible Learningplus school change process, based on Professor John Hattie’s research, is helping the school system work hard in key target areas, producing identifiable pockets of progress.
Learn how to create the highest quality and most equitable learning experiences for children!
Trudy Arriaga
Area of expertise: district leadership and implementation
Ours are peer-reviewed, research-backed, and evidence-driven. And there are hundreds to browse, with more added each month.