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33 Results Found for "English Language Learners"


English Language Learners

“Every teacher is a bridge builder. When we break down the walls that keep our Multilingual Learners from realizing their full potential, we reveal the pathway to equity. Corwin has brought together an unparalleled team of experts and authors to develop practical, evidence-based books to support you in this important work. Together, we can build bridges to learning through culturally and linguistically sustaining teaching that values every student."



Retool Your Whole School for EL Achievement

If we’re to counter the commonly held narrative of predictable failure among our English learners, then every teacher, every coach, every administrator must have an expert’s understanding of the conditions, tools, and strategies that best support English language development together with content mastery.  Put simply: It takes a school . . . plus a professional learning plan steeped in evidence. 

Conference Overview

The National Summit for Courageous Conversation (NSCC) brings together dedicated leaders for racial equity from around the nation and across the globe to engage in a deepened conversation about systemic racism and its impact on opportunity and achievement in schools, colleges, business, government and community. The NSCC provides a unique space for collaborative exploration of the knowledge and skills needed to eliminate racial disparities in performance and experience.
