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62 Results Found for "Fisher Frey"


Fisher & Frey Professional Learning


With new titles and related service offerings introduced every year, Douglas and Nancy continue to share their hallmark work. Watch the Fisher & Frey story to learn about Doug and Nancy’s background, their school in San Diego and the qualities they possess that have made them two of the most prolific and respected writers in the field of education.

PLC Professional Development

About Our PLC Model: PLC+

The model for PLCs has been around a long time. But is your PLC focused on evidence-based instruction with an emphasis on equity and activation? And most importantly, are your PLCs functioning effectively?

PLC+ is a practical and evidence-based framework, developed by Doug Fisher and Nancy Frey as part of our Fisher and Frey service lines, that supports:

CCR Success Stories

CCR Success Stories

Below you will find information that helps inform your decision to bring Douglas Fisher, Nancy Frey, or a member of their collaborative in for extended professional learning on Close & Critical Reading in your school or district. 


Restorative Practices

Why Restorative Practices?

The Restorative Practices model that Doug Fisher, Nancy Frey, and Dominique Smith have created provides a proactive approach to school climate, discipline, and student relationships. Their work also discusses the importance of equity and the role equity plays in every approach in a school setting, from attendance to engagement to discipline.
