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10 Results Found for "stem"


“Whether it is the air we breathe, the noises we hear, or the machines we use, almost everything we do on a daily basis is somehow connected to science! With authors such as Page Keeley, Cary Sneider, David Sousa, and more, Corwin has you covered across a wide range of topics from general science methods to formative assessment to the ever-growing focus on STEM. Our Science and STEM resources promote experiential learning opportunities and real-world preparation for today’s diverse students.”

Equity & Diversity

At Corwin, we believe that promoting equity at all levels of the educational system is a moral imperative that stems from a uniquely human capacity for empathy, fairness, and justice. We are proud to learn from and sponsor the work of brilliant and courageous scholars and practitioners who have made us better people and help us build a better world.

Jim Knight's #ItStartsWithUs Challenge

Any of us the least bit tuned into social media, regardless of our political persuasions, can agree on one sad truth: our country (and, more broadly, our world) has become fractured. We are rapidly losing our ability to engage in civil discourse with one another, stemming largely from our own fears.

Explore the Modules

Want to learn more about Distance Learning? Explore the modules!

Module 1: Take Care of Yourself


Keynote Presenters

John Hattie

John Hattie