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DeRuvo, Silvia L.

Silvia L. DeRuvo

Silvia L. DeRuvo is a special education resources development specialist with WestEd, a nonprofit agency that works with schools, districts, state agencies, and national policy makers in the areas of educational research, products, and programs. Her work focuses primarily on working with schools and teachers on effective research-based instructional practices that support the needs of students with disabilities within core content integrated classrooms.

David Rosenthal, MD

David Rosenthal, MD, is an adult, adolescent, and child psychiatrist in private practice in Boulder, Colorado. He is an adjunct professor in the Graduate School of Social Work at the University of Denver, where he teaches courses on psychopharmacology.

Beatty, Brenda

Brenda Beatty

Dr. Brenda Beatty is designer and Director of the highly regarded Monash Master in School Leadership and the Mentoring for first Time Principals and Human Leadership: Developing People programs, delivered on behalf of the Victoria State School Department of Education. Dr. Beatty is a Senior Lecturer for the Faculty of Education at Monash University.

Danielson, Charlotte F.

Charlotte F. Danielson

Charlotte Danielson, a former economist, is an internationally-recognized expert in the area of teacher effectiveness, specializing in the design of teacher evaluation systems that, while ensuring teacher quality, also promote professional learning. She advises State Education Departments and National Ministries and Departments of Education, both in the United States and overseas.

Jianjun Adam Wang

Jianjun (Adam) Wang is senior instructional technology specialist at Williams College. He has been responsible for collaborating in the design and development of STRIDE. He has also been instrumental in the implementation of STRIDE in the preparation of future teachers, as well as the ongoing professional development of practicing educators.
