Timothy Reagan is currently Visiting Professor of Educational Leadership at Central Connecticut State University. He has previously been a faculty member at Galluadet University, Central Connecticut State University, the University of Connecticut, Roger Williams University, and the University of the Witwatersrand.
Carolyn Warner has gained national stature as one of America's most articulate educational and public policy leaders. A product of pioneering Oklahoma stock, her father was an Oklahoma State Senator, teacher, and newspaper publisher in whose honor the first public school in Oklahoma's Indian Territory was named. Her mother, also a teacher, served as a school principal in both Oklahoma and California.
Seymour B. Sarason is Professor Emeritus of Psychology, Yale University. During his distinguished 48-year career, he has been one of the most astute observers and incisive critics of efforts to reform our schools. Among his more than 30 published books are The Predictable Failure of Educational Reform (1990), Schooling in America: Scapegoat or Salvation (1983), and The Culture of School and the Problem of Change (2nd ed., 1982).