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Lynn G. Beck

Lynn G. Beck is Dean of the School of Education at Pacific Lutheran University. Her research and teaching focuses on administrative ethics, principalship, and leadership preparation.  

Anderson, Gary

Gary L. Anderson

Gary L. Anderson is a professor in the Department of Administration, Leadership, and Technology in the Steinhardt School of Culture, Education, and Human Development, New York University. He is a former teacher and high school principal. He has written numerous articles on action research with co-author Kathryn Herr as well as articles and books on educational policy and leadership.

Kathryn G. Herr

Kathryn Herr is a professor in the family and child studies department of Montclair State University. She has been actively engaged in practitioner research as a middle school counselor and teacher. She has studied issues of ethnic identity and gender relations in early adolescence. The results of her work have been published in the International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education and The 1992 Politics of Education Association Yearbook.
