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Daniels, Elaine

Elaine Daniels

Elaine Daniels has been a reading and writing teacher and teacher literacy educator throughout her career. A former high school English teacher, she graduated to teaching in college and graduate programs, first at National-Louis University in the Master of Arts in Teaching program, then at the University of New Mexico in Albuquerque, where she taught literacy education courses.

Bernabei, Gretchen

Gretchen Bernabei

A popular workshop presenter and winner of NCTE’s James Moffett Award in 2010, Gretchen Bernabei has been teaching kids to write in middle school and high school classrooms for more than thirty years. In addition to four other professional books and numerous articles for NCTE journals, she is the author of National Geographic School Publications’ The Good Writer’s Kit, as well as Lightning in a Bottle, a CD of visual writing prompts.

Reimer, Judith A.

Judith A. Reimer

Judi Reimer taught fourth grade in San Antonio, Texas, for seventeen years and continues to advise students and school districts. She has worked as a freelance writer, contributing columns and features for Parents, Ladies’ Home Journal, and other national magazines. Judi has also written articles for Studies Weekly classroom publications and has been a freelance writer for American Legacy Publishing.

Thomas A. Del Prete

Thomas Del Prete is the inaugural Director of the Adam Institute for Urban Teaching and School Practice at Clark University in Worcester, MA. He is past Director of the Hiatt Center for Urban Education at Clark and a former teacher of history and English at the middle and high school levels. He has worked for twenty-five years in teacher education, school-university partnership, and school reform.

Sarah M. Klerk

Sarah M. Klerk is an expert of workforce development. In her work with Workforce Strategy Center, she helped communities develop career pathways. Prior to her work with WSC, Sarah worked at the Chicago Jobs Council to ensure access to employment and career advancement opportunities for people living in poverty. It was from Sarah’s work at the W.E.

Fredricks, Jennifer Ann

Jennifer A. Fredricks

Jennifer Fredricks is a professor of Human Development at Connecticut College where she also directs the Holleran Center for Community Action and Public Policy. She has published over 35 journal articles and book chapters on student engagement, family socialization, adolescent development, and extracurricular participation. She is currently working on a three year grant on student engagement in math and science classrooms funded by the National Science Foundation. 

Ash, Paul B.

Paul B. Ash

Dr. Paul B. Ash has served as Superintendent of the Lexington Public Schools since 2005. Previously, he served as the Superintendent of Schools in the Westwood, Massachusetts Public Schools from 1998 to 2005.

D'Auria, John P.

John D'Auria

John D’Auria, Ed.D, moved from directing the Canton Public Schools as Superintendent to becoming President of Teachers21, a non-profit organization working to ensure that all school-aged children are given an equal opportunity to succeed by endeavoring to provide them with educators who are eminently knowledgeable and qualified to teach them.

Lynn Farrin

Lynn Farrin, Science Specialist at the Maine Mathematics and Science Alliance, works primarily in the areas of leadership, curriculum materials, development, mentoring and teacher support, inquiry teaching and learning, and connecting literacy to science.

Tugel, Joyce

Joyce Tugel

JOYCE TUGEL has been a leader in science education since she left the classroom in 2001 to become the science professional development specialist at the TERC Eisenhower Regional Alliance.
