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Chad Dorsey

Chad Dorsey is President and CEO of the Concord Consortium. Chad's professional experience ranges across the fields of science, education, and technology. Prior to joining the Concord Consortium, Chad led teacher professional development workshops as a member of the Maine Mathematics and Science Alliance.

Morgan, Emily

Emily Morgan

Emily Morgan is a former elementary and middle school science teacher. She is the author of the Next Time You See picture book series for children and co-author of the Picture-Perfect STEM Lessons series for teachers. Her book Next Time You See a Sunset was selected for Story Time from Space where it was read by astronaut Mark Vande Hei on the International Space Station and shared with children all over the globe.

Anne Tweed

Anne Tweed, a Principal Consultant with the Mid-continent Research for Education and Learning (McREL) in Denver, Colorado, also serves as the Associate director of the North Central Comprehensive Center, which serves a five-state region.

Linda Froschauer

Linda K. Froschauer is the Editor of the NSTA elementary level journal, Science and Children. Froschauer served as the 2006–2007 President of the National Science Teachers Association. During her Presidential year, she emphasized the importance of supporting and encouraging preservice and new science teachers.

Zhang, Gaoming

Gaoming Zhang

Gaoming Zhang is an Assistant Professor in the School of Education at the University of Indianapolis. She teaches educational psychology and educational technology courses in undergraduate and graduate programs. Her research interests include technology integration, teacher preparation, and comparative education.

Lei, Jing

Jing M. Lei

Jing Lei is an Associate Professor in the School of Education at Syracuse University. Dr. Lei’s scholarship focuses on how information and communication technology can help prepare a new generation of citizens for a globalizing and digitizing world.

Qiu, Wei

Wei Qiu

Wei Qiu is an instructional designer and adjunct faculty at Webster University. She received a Ph.D. in Educational Psychology and Educational Technology from Michigan State University. Her research interests include using technology to enhance students’ learning experience, second language education, and global competency development. 

Sheninger, Eric C.

Eric C. Sheninger

Eric Sheninger works with schools throughout the world, helping educators meet and exceed their potential to improve outcomes for learners. He is the founder and CEO of Aspire Change EDU, a collaborative consultancy designed to provide personalized support to all educational systems.
