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Laura Besser is an educational consultant and is dedicated to improving the quality of teaching, learning and leadership in schools. She provides results driven professional development through presentations at conferences, seminars and workshops and site based implementation support. Her high energy, positive, and enthusiastic approach to learning motivates and engages clients.
Steve Ventura is a highly motivational and knowledgeable speaker who approaches high stakes professional development with practical, research-based strategies. Steve is a former elementary, middle, and high school teacher. His administrative experience encompass those of assistant principal, principal, director, and superintendent.
Russell Quaglia is recognized globally as a pioneer in the field of education, known for his unwavering dedication to student aspirations and student voice.
Ainsley Rose, with over 40 years of experience in education, is a certified lead Visible Learning associate who specializes in systemic changes that impact teaching and learning.
Besides being a lifelong educator, Shelly Arneson is an author and consultant. She taught Special Education for several years in Texas and New Mexico before becoming a guidance counselor in elementary and middle schools. Her last seven years in public schools were spent as a school principal. Shelly graduated with her doctorate in Curriculum and Instruction from University of West Florida in August of 2012.
Learning Intentions and Success Criteria Workshops
Joanne McEachen is founder and CEO of The Learner First (, an international education consultancy based in Seattle, Washington. She leads a team of dedicated education and evaluation specialists who support school systems through the processes of assessment, measurement, and whole-system change.