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Launching and Sustaining Powerful Equity Work

Wednesday, April 28, 2021 - 1:00pm

Presented by Dr. Trudy T. Arriaga, Benjie Howard, Grant Twyman

We are in the midst of a triple pandemic: COVID-19, inequities exposed through distance learning, and increased urgency around racial justice. Educational leaders are called to serve the needs of our most vulnerable and marginalized students and families, and at the same time we are obligated to navigate invigorated pushback and misinformation regarding equity, inclusion, and excellence in public education. This webinar provides strategies for growing an expansive consensus among teachers, parents, building leaders, school boards, community leaders, students and local media — a consensus that empowers courageous, long-term equity work. The webinar will be led by Corwin Deep Equity experts and superintendents and EDI professionals.