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99 Results Found for "CAN"


The Will to Learn

Monday, February 27, 2023 - 3:30pm

Presented by Dave Stuart Jr.

How do we help all of our students do the work of learning, with care — as best they currently can? For students to flourish long-term and move toward mastery, they need to be motivated from the inside-out. Specifically, they need to believe five key things – Credibility, Value, Belonging, Effort, and Efficacy.

Simply Stations, Grades K-4: What Does the Rest of the Class Do During Small Groups?

Monday, May 18, 2020 - 3:30pm

Presented by Debbie Diller

Literacy work stations, when done well, can solve both of these problems—and more. Literacy stations provide partner practice using what teachers already have in their classrooms. During her presentation, Debbie will show teachers how to create and sustain meaningful, engaging literacy stations that grow and change as their students develop new skills, and as instructional time shifts. Plus, teachers will be reminded how to make confident decisions based on what they know about their kids and about good literacy instruction—so they can move away from quick-fix ideas like worksheets or pre-made centers found online.

Doug and Nancy

Monday, December 1, 2014 - 3:30pm

Watch Doug and Nancy's Archived Webinar

Call it close reading, call it deep reading, call it analytic reading—call it what you like. The point is, it’s a level of understanding that students of any age can achieve with the right kind of instruction. In this webinar, Doug Fisher and Nancy Frey articulate an instructional plan so clearly, and so squarely built on research, teachers across K-12 need look no further for guidance.

Peter Dewitt Headshot

Thursday, August 28, 2014 - 3:30pm

Watch Peter's Archived Webinar

School leaders need to find multiple ways to help stakeholders focus on the right issues that revolve around learning. This webinar will explore how leaders can flip their faculty/staff meetings and parent communications to build a more engaging school climate. This is not a fad, but an engaging way to continue the ongoing conversation about education.

Teaching for Transfer: Reaching and Applying Deeper Understanding

Monday, December 4, 2017 - 3:30pm

Presented by Julie Stern

How do we move beyond surface learning to reach deeper comprehension? What strategies help students make connections between ideas and use their learning to unlock new situations? This webinar will share practical ways to help students build the foundational understanding needed to take their learning to the next level. In an increasingly complicated world, it is essential that we honor the research-rich past and harness children’s natural curiosity as we look to the future. Join us to find out how we can prepare students to tackle complex problems with deep, conceptual understanding. 

Teaching Methods for Active Learning

Monday, May 8, 2023 - 3:30pm

Presented by Gravity Goldberg

In this webinar, author Gravity Goldberg will share a curated selection of high-impact, instructional strategies that new teachers can become familiar with and master early in their teaching careers.

Monday, August 27, 2012 - 3:30pm

Watch William Bender's Archived Webinar

In this webinar, William Bender demonstrates how project-based learning can aid in the implementation of the Common Core State Standards. This webinar will explore instructional strategies, assessment methods and detailed instruction on how to design projects for various content areas across all grade levels, integrate technology throughout the learning process, and more.

Strategies for Building ELs’ Language Power

Monday, April 3, 2017 - 3:30pm

Presented by Diane Staehr Fenner and Margo Gottlieb

This interactive webinar presents a framework and a conceptual tool for building ELLs’ academic language—a deal-breaker when it comes to their academic success. Diane Staehr Fenner will present research-based strategies all teachers can apply to ensure multilingual learners simultaneously develop academic language and engage with challenging content. Margo Gottlieb will offer some ideas for planning, implementing, and assessing key uses of academic language within and across the content areas. 

What Do I Teach Readers Tomorrow? A Moment-to-Moment Decision-Making Guide

Monday, April 17, 2017 - 3:30pm

Presented by Gravity Goldberg and Renee Houser

“Well, that was a great minilesson—now what?” For every teacher who has uttered those words, this webinar is for you. In the What Do I Teach Readers Tomorrow? book series, educators Gravity Goldberg and Renee Houser take the guesswork out of determining students’ needs. In this webinar you will learn a decision-making framework that helps you plan whole-class, small-group, and one-on-one lessons that will have a big impact. 
