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Michael Fullan

Monday, October 31, 2016 - 3:30pm

Presented by Michael Fullan

Learn to enhance student learning and bring people and ideas together as Michael Fullan presents his Coherence Framework and discusses how you can make effective school and district change by fostering deep coherence.  In this webinar, Fullan takes you by the hand and shows you how, in just a short time, you can focus direction, cultivate a collaborative culture, deepen learning, and secure accountability in your district and start your school down the path to maximizing success. 

Gary Howard

Monday, November 7, 2016 - 3:30pm

Presented by Gary Howard

The past two decades of school reform efforts have not gone far enough in eliminating educational inequities based on race, poverty, and other dimensions of difference. Gary Howard’s Deep Equity process provides school districts and educators with proven strategies for creating real change; one teacher, one classroom, one school at a time. In this webinar Gary will share core elements of this work and highlight key features of his award-winning new book from Corwin: We Can’t Lead Where We Won’t Go: An Educator’s Guide to Equity.

Making the Growth Mindset Come Alive in Classroom Practice

Monday, January 23, 2017 - 3:30pm

Presented by Jon Saphier

In this webinar, learn what successful teachers say and do in daily practice to get under-performing, low-confidence students to believe in themselves. Jon Saphier details the subtle but powerful language shifts that help students develop a growth mindset, plus perseverance strategies, confidence builders, and ways to directly teach students the attributes of effective effort and how to exert it.

Diving Deeper Into Nonfiction: Using Readers Rules of Notice

Monday, February 6, 2017 - 3:30pm

Presented by Jeffrey D. Wilhelm

Based on Jeffrey Wilhelm’s book Diving Deep into Nonfiction with coauthor Michael Smith, this webinar showcases a revolutionary teaching framework that helps students read nonfiction well by using four kinds of rules of notice—topics of textual conversation, key details, varied nonfiction genres, and embedded text structures—so that students can deeply understand how texts are constructed to communicate specific meanings and effects.

Your Mathematics Formative Assessment Game Plan

Monday, March 20, 2017 - 3:30pm

Presented by Francis “Skip” Fennell

Do you really know what your students are thinking when doing mathematics? How can you find out? What will you do next? This webinar addresses teachers’ challenges and questions in using formative assessment to guide planning and teaching, and monitor student progress in mathematics. Based on Skip Fennell’s new book, The Formative 5: Everyday Assessment Techniques for Every Math Classroom, it will present teacher and classroom-tested formative assessment techniques that are doable—every day—and that make a difference. The Formative 5 is a palette of the techniques that research shows provide the most effective assessment “game plan” for any mathematics classroom.

Strategies for Building ELs’ Language Power

Monday, April 3, 2017 - 3:30pm

Presented by Diane Staehr Fenner and Margo Gottlieb

This interactive webinar presents a framework and a conceptual tool for building ELLs’ academic language—a deal-breaker when it comes to their academic success. Diane Staehr Fenner will present research-based strategies all teachers can apply to ensure multilingual learners simultaneously develop academic language and engage with challenging content. Margo Gottlieb will offer some ideas for planning, implementing, and assessing key uses of academic language within and across the content areas. 

What Do I Teach Readers Tomorrow? A Moment-to-Moment Decision-Making Guide

Monday, April 17, 2017 - 3:30pm

Presented by Gravity Goldberg and Renee Houser

“Well, that was a great minilesson—now what?” For every teacher who has uttered those words, this webinar is for you. In the What Do I Teach Readers Tomorrow? book series, educators Gravity Goldberg and Renee Houser take the guesswork out of determining students’ needs. In this webinar you will learn a decision-making framework that helps you plan whole-class, small-group, and one-on-one lessons that will have a big impact. 

Culturally Responsive Teaching and the Brain

Monday, May 1, 2017 - 3:30pm

Presented by Zaretta Hammond

Learn how to use culturally responsive teaching to re-ignite authentic student engagement by using the cultural values and cues that resonate with students! In this webinar, Zaretta Hammond discusses the neuroscience of culturally based learning and ways to provide more culturally responsive instruction. 

The Learning Challenge: How to Make the Most of the Learning Pit

Monday, June 5, 2017 - 3:30pm

Presented by James Nottingham

Come hear internationally acclaimed educator James Nottingham walk you through the do’s and don’ts of  The Learning Challenge, a model that puts the Learning Pit at the heart of classroom activity. What’s so revolutionary about the Learning Pit? By encouraging students to step out of their comfort zone and explore new ways of thinking, it helps students develop language, learning and metacognition. 

jessica and john hannigan

Tuesday, June 27, 2017 - 3:30pm

We know from research that suspensions don’t work—they don’t stop misbehavior, they take a lot of valuable time and energy, and they significantly increase the likelihood of dropout for the most at-risk students. Join discipline experts Jessica Hannigan and John Hannigan to learn the positive impact of creating effective behavior systems in schools that are equitable for ALL students.
