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Why Positive Behavior Systems?

Do you need help with designing and implementing impactful school culture, behavior, and discipline systems in each tier of a school or district system? Behavior experts Jessica Hannigan and John Hannigan can deliver professional learning opportunities in-person and/or virtually.

Invite Jessica and John to your school or district to support your team with designing and implementing impactful:


  • Social-emotional learning (SEL)
  • Multitiered systems of support (MTSS)
  • Positive behavioral interventions and supports (PBIS)
  • School climate and culture initiatives
  • Alternatives to suspensions
  • Restorative justice
  • Classroom behavior and discipline plans

Professional Learning Workshops

Don't Suspend Me! Workshops

Shine a light on the disproportionality in school discipline with students of color and special education students. These workshops opportunity provide you with an alternative discipline framework (Restorative, Reflective, and Instructional) and practical tools needed to create your own effective toolbox.

Related resource: Don’t Suspend Me!

SEL From a Distance

To help your students navigate this new educational landscape and process the emotions brought about by these changes, you need to apply SEL in new and different ways. Our students need SEL now more than ever! How can we determine their needs and where do we begin? This workshop offers tools and best practice processes for SEL that you can implement immediately in any setting.

Related resource: SEL From a Distance

Designing Tiered Systems of Support

Learn the 10 best practice start-up evidence indicators and practical tools needed to begin MTSS work effectively. Participants will learn how to audit and align their current practices, structures, interventions, and resources across all levels of the educational system in order to support ALL students. They will also learn how to effectively integrate academics and behavior through a data-based decision making and continuous improvement lens.

Related resource: The MTSS Start-Up Guide

PBIS Tiers I, II, and III: Designing a Multi-Tiered System of Supports

This professional learning series provides you with best practice markers, characteristics, SMART goals, and practical tools needed to implement an effective multitiered behavior system. Participants will learn how to audit and align their current PBIS practices, structures, interventions, and resources across all levels of the educational system in order to support ALL students.

Related resource: PBIS Handbook Tier I, II, and III

Building Behavior Workshops

This Building Behavior professional learning opportunity teaches you the purpose of implementing 6 evidence-based behavior initiatives (PBIS, restorative justice, trauma informed practices, culturally responsive teaching, character education, and social and emotional learning), along with the alignment of each to Professor John Hattie’s VISIBLE LEARNING® effect sizes.

Related resource: Building Behavior

Virtual Learning Behavior Expectations

This professional learning opportunity provides you with the tools and resources you need to identify, teach, and reinforce your classroom behavior expectations/standards in a virtual environment. Learn how identify, teach, and reinforce virtual classroom behavior expectations/standards to address behavior challenges unique to distance learning environments.

Meet the Consultants

Jessica Hannigan

Social-emotional learning, PBIS,
restorative practices, effective behavior systems

meet jessica



John Hannigan

Equity in discipline, bahavioral intervention
MTSS, social-emotional learning

meet john


What people are saying...

“Jessica and John were very well organized and purposeful about the activities woven into their presentation. They also were great at making sure we understood what to do.”

—Conference attendee

“Very engaging! Loved your enthusiasm and passion for behavior impact! Great presentation and way to engage the learners. I loved how each of the behavior initiatives were discussed and it was clear that they can work together based on the needs of the campus.”           

—Conference attendee

“I’ve learned so much in depth on behavior and its impact on applying it within teams at our school. Very impactful. Thanks for connecting research and theory to practical implementation.”

 —Conference attendee

Bring Jessica and John Hannigan to your district 

Begin your journey