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7 Results Found for "C20"

Keep CALM and Teach Activity: Visualize Your Ideal Classroom
Keep CALM and Teach Activity: Visualize Your Ideal Classroom

In this complimentary activity from Keep CALM and Teach, teachers can engage in the first step toward having a CALM classroom: visualizing their ideal classroom.


Creating Purposeful Seating Charts
Creating Purposeful Seating Charts

In this excerpt from Real Talk about Classroom Management, author Serena Pariser shares her secret to creating a purposeful seating chart based on students’ academic abilities, learning disabilities, language barriers, and more, rather than simply separating the students that “shouldn’t be together” and sprinkling the rest around, hoping for the best.


Engage The Rage: 5 Essential Components to Engaging Aggressive Students
Engage The Rage: 5 Essential Components to Engaging Aggressive Students

"Most of you reading this have never met me in person or seen my picture. I have an enormous forehead. Once, while teaching a small group of at-risk teens, a clever student actually informed me that I possess a fivehead. Like I said, clever."

Read more from Ben Springer, author of Happy Kids Don't Punch You in the Face, on Corwin Connect.

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Introduction to The Distance Learning Playbook
Introduction to The Distance Learning Playbook

Please enjoy this complimentary excerpt from The Distance Learning Playbook. In this Introduction, the authors acknowledge the heroic efforts of educators worldwide who, during a pandemic, didn't miss a beat. They rose to the challenge and made sure students continued to learn. Now it's time to take what we have learned to improve schooling in any media, whether face-to-face or in distance learning.


Module 1: Take Care of Yourself
Module 1: Take Care of Yourself

In this critical module from The Distance Learning Playbook, authors Doug Fisher, Nancy Frey, and John Hattie outline the importance of taking the time to take care of yourself in order to help others.


Three Lessons Learned About Distance Learning
Three Lessons Learned About Distance Learning

The authors of The Distance Learning Playbook, Grades K-12, discuss in this ILA article,  three critical takeaways they have learned while distance learning, including how to accelerate learning, managing reading volume, and the infusion of social and emotional learning strategies. 

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