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17 Results Found for "C40"


Webinar: When White Women Teach Black Boys
Webinar: When White Women Teach Black Boys

Hear from Eddie Moore, Jr., Ali Michael, and Marguerite Penick-Parks, authors of The Guide for White Women Who Teach Black Boys, on how to create learning environments that foster a sense of belonging among our Black male students.

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Webinar: Classroom Discourse That Makes Student Thinking Visible
Webinar: Classroom Discourse That Makes Student Thinking Visible

Listen in as Jon Saphier, author of High Expectations Teaching, discusses key teaching moves that help students display a higher level of thinking and create rigorous student dialogue.

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Webinar: Opening Doors for Equity and Access
Webinar: Opening Doors for Equity and Access

Gain a greater understanding from Trudy Arriaga, author of Opening Doors, of culturally proficient practices that open doors for all students. 

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Webinar: Equity in School Discipline
Webinar: Equity in School Discipline

Jessica and John Hannigan, authors of Don't Suspend Me!, explain why suspensions don't work and how they significantly increase the likelihood of dropout for our most at-risk students.  

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Webinar: Culturally Responsive Teaching and the Brain
Webinar: Culturally Responsive Teaching and the Brain

Discover from Zaretta Hammond, bestselling author of Culturally Responsive Teaching and The Brain, how to use culturally responsive teaching to re-ignite authentic student engagement and accelerate learning. 

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Webinar: Making the Growth Mindset Come Alive in the Classroom Practice
Webinar: Making the Growth Mindset Come Alive in the Classroom Practice

Gain new insight from Jon Saphier, author of High Expectations Teaching, on what successful teachers say and do to get under-performing, low-confidence students to believe in themselves. 

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Webinar: Deepening Your Equity Impact
Webinar: Deepening Your Equity Impact

Discover strategies from Gary Howard, equity consultant and author of We Can't Lead Where We Won't Go, that address today's educational inequities and drive reform. 

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Webinar: Cultural Proficiency
Webinar: Cultural Proficiency

Hear from Kikanza Nuri-Robins, co-author of Cultural Proficiency, on ways to approach the achievement gap and other inequity issues faced within schools. 

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Webinar: The How-To's Behind Cultural Proficiency
Webinar: The How-To's Behind Cultural Proficiency

Gain new insight from Randall and Delores Lindsey, authors of Cultural Proficiency, on the Tools-of-Cultural-Proficiency model and ways to implement change in the context of today's schools. 

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Webinar: Youth Equity Stewardship (YES!): Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
Webinar: Youth Equity Stewardship (YES!): Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

Here’s your opportunity to hear more from founders Benjie Howard and Wade Antonio Colwell about Youth Equity Stewardship (YES!), a sustainable, inter-generational, creative facilitation process for youth and adults that enables learning communities to enthusiastically engage and advocate for culturally responsive teaching and leading practices. YES! is rooted in arts-based methods that aim to elevate youth vision and passion to the forefront of policy and progress for an evolving twenty-first century school system. They will demonstrate how the process amplifies student partnership and supports young people in understanding their personal journey and social accountability through a "stewardship" lens that creates a living example of commitment to diversity, equity and inclusion.

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Harvard EdCast Podcast: Grading for Equity with Joe Feldman
Harvard EdCast Podcast: Grading for Equity with Joe Feldman

Joe Feldman discusses his book Grading for Equity and how shifting grading practices can change the landscape of schools and potentially the future for students.

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Topics for Discussion
Topics for Discussion

Listen to, watch, and read conversations with Dr. Ali Michael and Dr. Eleonora Bartoli as they explore topics within Our Problem, Our Path on outlets across the United States. 

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