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9 Results Found for "C45"

Teaching Black Boys: 3 Principles for White Educators
Teaching Black Boys: 3 Principles for White Educators

"When we speak of Black boys as a group defined by the fact that they share 'categories' (they are Black and they are boys) we necessarily have to speak of the challenges that they face as a result of the way U.S. society renders those categories..."

Read more from Eddie Moore Jr., author of The Guide for White Women Who Teach Black Boys, on Corwin Connect.

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Chapter 10: Teacher Warmth and Availability for Learning
Chapter 10: Teacher Warmth and Availability for Learning

In this chapter from Identity Safe Classrooms, Grades 6-12, the authors outline the importance of building relationships with students who have experienced trauma.

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Universally Designed Lesson Flowchart
Universally Designed Lesson Flowchart

This flowchart from Equity by Design by Mirko Chardin and Katie Novak shows you how to create a universally designed lesson.



The Impact of Stereotype Threat
The Impact of Stereotype Threat

"The work of identity safety emerged as a way to counteract the debilitating effects of stereotype threat. By grasping the pervasive damage of stereotype threat we come to understand the import for identity safety as an antidote" - Belonging and Inclusion in Identity Safe Schools

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The Four Domains and 12 Components of Identity Safe Classrooms
The Four Domains and 12 Components of Identity Safe Classrooms

Explore the four domains of identity-safe schools--Student-Centered Teaching, Cultivating Diversity, Classroom Relationships, Caring Classrooms--and their 12 underlying componants in this excerpt from Belonging and Inclusion in Identity Safe Schools

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The Principles of Identity Safety
The Principles of Identity Safety

"A fuller investigation of identity safety principles and applying them across the school as useful guides and resources can anchor our understanding for connecting the individual parts into a broader and more manageable view." - Belonging and Inclusion in Identity Safe Schools

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Listening for Student Voices
Listening for Student Voices

Explore strategies for listening for students voices for both large and small groups, including talking stick, think/pair/share, jigsaw, and more, in this chapter from Identity Safe Classrooms, Grades 6-12.

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 Universal Design for Learning and Beyond Webinar
Universal Design for Learning and Beyond Webinar

In this webinar, Lee Ann facilitates thinking around Universal Design for Learning as a means to bring equity in learning experiences and outcomes for a broad range of student variability.

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