Explore with Kara Vandas, co-author of Clarity for Learning, the simple, yet powerful practices that streamline instruction and assessment, and drastically accelerate learning.
Explore with Kara Vandas, co-author of Clarity for Learning, the simple, yet powerful practices that streamline instruction and assessment, and drastically accelerate learning.
Explore with Larry Ainsworth, Kara Vandas, and Mary Jane O'Connell how co-constructing success criteria with students increases student clarity and learning.
Dive deep with Larry Ainsworth, author of Common Formative Assessments 2.0, to learn how your school teams can collaboratively create high-quality assessments that produce evidence of student learning.
Get a sneak peek into the book with this first chapter of Developing Assessment-Capable Visible Learners, Grades K-12, where the authors define what an assessment-capable learner is and explore how teachers can create them.
This lesson from the Teacher's Guide included with Becoming an Assessment-Capable Visible Learner, Grades 6-12, Level 1: Classroom Pack is set up to help you support your students in asking the right questions to get the feedback that they need.
Informed by the ideas of 41 educators all over the world who contributed to the fourth edition of How to Grade for Learning, author Ken O'Connor focuses on the four most critical challenges when implementing Standards-Based Grading and Learning in schools and districts and in the classroom.
"I am deeply troubled that many state laws continue to require consideration of change in annual accountability test score as an indicator of student growth for teacher evaluation. This is a patently indefensible policy for a variety of reasons..." Read the full blog from Rick Stiggins, author of Defensible Teacher Evaluation.
In this letter from The Assessment Playbook for Distance and Blended Learning, the authors provides insight on the current state of education.
Assessment Cookie 7 (a piece of information that sticks with you) from The Assessment Playbook for Distance and Blended Learning explores assessment tasks that work for distance learning.
In this excerpt from The Assessment Playbook for Distance and Blended Learning, the authors provide tools for assessing a students current level of understanding.
Please enjoy this complimentary excerpt on The Purpose of this Playbook. You’ll discover an overview of the Playbook modules and why this work is essential to your PLC+s.
In this Leaders Coaching Leaders podcast episode, author Tom Guskey and Peter DeWitt discuss the downfalls of percentage grading, how grading is sometimes used as a punishment, and Tom's recommendations for better grading practices.