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46 Results Found for "visible learning"


Case Study: How One School Made Learning Visible Through Self-Assessment
Case Study: How One School Made Learning Visible Through Self-Assessment

Read about Picnic Point Public School's success with the Visible Learning program.


Chapter 5: Visible Learning and Understanding the World in Early Childhood
Chapter 5: Visible Learning and Understanding the World in Early Childhood

In Chapter 5 from Visible Learning in Early Childhood, the authors focus on the following questions: What works best in early childhood learning as children learn about their world? How do we activate learning in our young learners in ways that help them better understand the world?

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Distance Learning Up Close: Teaching for Engagement and Impact in Any Setting
Distance Learning Up Close: Teaching for Engagement and Impact in Any Setting

In this webinar, Douglas Fisher, Nancy Frey, and John Hattie draw on their newly published The Distance Learning Playbook to reveal what works best in teaching, assessing, and planning in your online classroom—per 25+ years of Visible Learning® research and evidence.

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Prompts for Facilitating Students Self-reflection and Metacognitive Awareness
Prompts for Facilitating Students Self-reflection and Metacognitive Awareness

Use this self-reflection model from Visible Learning for Science, Grades K-12, as a follow-up technique once a lesson has occurred that helps students understand where they were and where they are now.

