Use these accountable talk moves from Visible Learning for Mathematics, Grades K-12, to constructively challenge your students' conclusions and misconceptions.
Use these accountable talk moves from Visible Learning for Mathematics, Grades K-12, to constructively challenge your students' conclusions and misconceptions.
Use these sample language frames from Visible Learning for Mathematics, Grades K-12, in your mathematics class to guide your students to deeper understanding through a thorough explanation of their process.
On this LLCN Brief podcast episode, Visible Learning for Literacy co-author Doug Fisher shares his perspective related to Feedback and the research surrounding the use of feedback to influence growth.
This Peer-Assisted Reflection (PAR) activity from Teaching Mathematics in the Visible Learning Classroom, Grades 3-5, helps you develop strategies for process feedback, which is critical as learners explore the why and the how of specific mathematics content.
Douglas Fisher and Nancy Frey work through the step in Developing Assessment-Capable, Visible Learners of guiding students as they learn how to solicit feedback.
Read about A. Vito Martinez Middle School's success with the Visible Learning program.
Use these hugging and bridging methods from Visible Learning for Science, Grades K-12, to promote low-road or high-road transfer based on where your students are in their learning journey.
Read about Oxley College's success with the Visible Learning program.
Learn from Larry Ainsworth, author of Common Formative Assessments 2.0, how using the CFA process can ensure greater student achievement that is visible on high-stakes assessments.
In this webinar, Jessica and John Hannigan, authors of Building Behavior, make the connections between Visible Learning and the most popular behavior initiatives implemented across the globe: Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (PBIS), Character Education, Restorative Justice (RJ), Culturally Responsive Teaching (CRT), Trauma Informed Practices (TIPs), and Social and Emotional Learning (SEL). This webinar describes for school and district personnel how to “build” behavior initiative(s) best suited for their institution using evidence-based best practices aligned to Hattie’s identified influences on student achievement.