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This 2-day workshop is a comprehensive solutions approach designed to empower teachers and students to share in the ownership of learning, significantly improving student engagement, confidence, and learning achievement. Teachers, school leaders, and students collaboratively develop a plan of action for successful student learning and goal realization.
SESSION 1: Building Collaborative
Aaron Heintzman
T: (805) 338-1406
Valley View School District in Illinois unpacks data and evidence to achieve teacher clarity and improve student outcomes
It’s not enough to know what strategies work best – it’s knowing WHEN those practices are best leveraged to maximize students’ ownership of their learning. Discover the strategies that build conceptual understanding of mathematical ideas and problem solving so students experience at least one year’s growth over the course of one school year.
The global pandemic challenged our education system in many ways, but one constant remains – the standards. For years, these tried-and-true companions have helped tens of thousands of new and veteran teachers accelerate student learning by focusing on the most critical literacy and mathematics standards.
Through the 5 Phases of YES, students will gain the skills, training, and empowerment necessary to help recognize educational disparities and become active contributors to bottom-up school improvement efforts.
Learn more about how our education experts can partner with your staff to make the biggest impact. Click on a module below to learn more about our areas of focus and related offerings.
ESSA requires that every state must submit an accountability plan that includes four achievement measures: