The foundational 5 phases underpin the Deep Equity process to establish a safe climate that allows staff and students to engage in open conversations about persistent inequities, identify the root causes of inequities in educational systems, focus on practical applications of culturally responsive practices for classroom teachers, and create a long-term, sustainable plan for systemic transformation.
Ours are peer-reviewed, research-backed, and evidence-driven. And there are hundreds to browse, with more added each month.
Corwin’s programmatic resources provide the educators of tomorrow with affordable and effective strategies to build practical foundations today, and become learner-ready on day one.
The global pandemic challenged our education system in many ways, but one constant remains – the standards. For years, these tried-and-true companions have helped tens of thousands of new and veteran teachers accelerate student learning by focusing on the most critical literacy and mathematics standards.
We expect our principals to be nimble, creative problem solvers who can think on their feet and respond with humor, empathy, calm, concern, and strength — but are we providing the resources needed to hone these skills? Create an environment where all leaders feel safe being learners and provide the coaching to help build collective efficacy.