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118 Results Found for "student assessment"


Partnering With Students

Workshop Overview

This 2-day workshop is a comprehensive solutions approach designed to empower teachers and students to share in the ownership of learning, significantly improving student engagement, confidence, and learning achievement. Teachers, school leaders, and students collaboratively develop a plan of action for successful student learning and goal realization.

SESSION 1: Building Collaborative

Assessment & Evaluation

Schools have a responsibility for ensuring that assessments accurately measure student growth—and further it. Corwin's assessment resources are written by global experts and thought leaders to advise you on assessment literacy, formative assessment, and how to effectively communicate and apply assessment results.

Assessment Resources

Assessment-based professional development that encourages educators to partner with students and drive instruction that impacts learning.  

Bring teams of educators together to intentionally align their pre- and post-common formative assessments, generate high-quality learning intentions derived from the standards and appropriate success criteria, and plan for learning progressions with formative quick checks that lead to attaining the standard and provide evidence-based assessment.

Becoming an Assessment-Capable Visible Learner

Continue the Visible Learning® Journey with Your Students

These learner’s notebooks are the first of their kind to continue the Visible Learning journey by helping students monitor their own progress. With an emphasis on developing and strengthening foundational metacognitive skills, the notebooks guide students to understand what they’re learning, why they’re learning it, and the strategies they need along the way.

CARES Act Funding on Student Learning



PD Programs and Resources for High-Gains Teaching 

The global pandemic challenged our education system in unprecedented ways. As our communities rebound and recover, we have a unique opportunity to re-envision education in ways that better serve all our students.
