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61 Results Found for "student assessment"


Webinar: Student-Centered Assessment
Webinar: Student-Centered Assessment

Learn from Paul Bloomberg and Barb Pitchford, bestselling authors of Leading Impact Teams, how to implement a simple three-step classroom protocol that develops student ownership of learning.

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Assessment Cookie 7
Assessment Cookie 7

Assessment Cookie 7 (a piece of information that sticks with you) from The Assessment Playbook for Distance and Blended Learning explores assessment tasks that work for distance learning.



Tools for Assessing Understanding
Tools for Assessing Understanding

In this excerpt from The Assessment Playbook for Distance and Blended Learning, the authors provide tools for assessing a students current level of understanding.


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Webinar: Formative Assessment in Practice
Webinar: Formative Assessment in Practice

Learn from Larry Ainsworth, author of Common Formative Assessments 2.0, how using the CFA process can ensure greater student achievement that is visible on high-stakes assessments. 

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Webinar: Common Formative Assessments 2.0
Webinar: Common Formative Assessments 2.0

Dive deep with Larry Ainsworth, author of Common Formative Assessments 2.0, to learn how your school teams can collaboratively create high-quality assessments that produce evidence of student learning. 

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Avoiding Common Pitfalls When Considering Student Achievement in Teacher Evaluations
Avoiding Common Pitfalls When Considering Student Achievement in Teacher Evaluations

"I am deeply troubled that many state laws continue to require consideration of change in annual accountability test score as an indicator of student growth for teacher evaluation. This is a patently indefensible policy for a variety of reasons..." Read the full blog from Rick Stiggins, author of Defensible Teacher Evaluation.

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Webinar: Grading for Impact
Webinar: Grading for Impact

Learn from Tom Hierck and Garth Larson, authors of Grading for Impact, how to use target-based assessment, grading, and reporting to provide students with game-changing feedback. 

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Show & Tell: A Video Column / Taking Formative Assessment Virtual
Show & Tell: A Video Column / Taking Formative Assessment Virtual

With some ingenuity, universal response systems can still work in remote and hybrid learning.

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