Registration is $425 per person
The registration fee includes your tuition for the event, lunch, materials, handouts, and a copy of Visible Learning for Literacy. Travel costs, parking, and accommodations are not included in the registration fee.
You will
If you do not see your question answered below, please email us at or call us at 800-233-9936 x4 between the hours of 6am-5pm PT.
Contact Corwin at: 800-233-9936 ext.4
Gaylord National Resort & Convention Center
201 Waterfront St
National Harbor, Maryland 20745 USA
Day One Only (August 19th) - $299
Day Two Only (August 20th) - $199
Both Days of the conference - $449
Please note that if we have not received a valid form of payment by August 18th, your registration will be cancelled and you will not be allowed to attend the event.
At this Institute you will learn:
Contact Corwin at: 800-233-9936 ext.4