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Visible Learning+

Corwin Visible Learning+

Visible Learning+

Accelerate Student Learning by Focusing on What Works Best

Deep Equity

What You’ll Learn

By engaging in the Deep Equity model, educators will learn to dismantle educational disparities through their own sustained, collaborative efforts and courageous leadership by:

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About The Model

The 5 Phases of Deep Equity

The foundational 5 phases underpin the Deep Equity process to establish a safe climate that allows staff and students to engage in open conversations about persistent inequities, identify the root causes of inequities in educational systems, focus on practical applications of culturally responsive practices for classroom teachers, and create a long-term, sustainable plan for systemic transformation.


McDowell, Michael

Michael McDowell

Michael McDowell, EdD was a public school educator for eighteen years serving in the roles of classroom teacher, academic and athletic coach, school principal, assistant superintendent of personnel and instruction, and superintendent.  During his tenure as a superintendent, his school district received

Magana, Sonny

Anthony "Sonny" J. Magana III

Dr. Anthony J. “Sonny” Magana III is an award-winning educator, best-selling author, and pioneering educational technology researcher. Sonny is a highly sought-after leadership consultant and instructional coach with more than thirty years’ experience transforming learning systems around the world. The author of numerous research studies and articles, Sonny’s first book, Enhancing the Art and Science of Teaching with Technology, co-authored with Dr.
