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In addition to the titles published by our imprint Corwin Mathematics, Corwin also publishes general titles on math assessment, mathematical standards, teaching methods, and more. On these pages you will find a mix of titles from Corwin Mathematics as well as our more general math titles for elementary, middle school, and high school teachers and school leaders.

English Language Learners

“Every teacher is a bridge builder. When we break down the walls that keep our Multilingual Learners from realizing their full potential, we reveal the pathway to equity. Corwin has brought together an unparalleled team of experts and authors to develop practical, evidence-based books to support you in this important work. Together, we can build bridges to learning through culturally and linguistically sustaining teaching that values every student."

Equity & Diversity

At Corwin, we believe that promoting equity at all levels of the educational system is a moral imperative that stems from a uniquely human capacity for empathy, fairness, and justice. We are proud to learn from and sponsor the work of brilliant and courageous scholars and practitioners who have made us better people and help us build a better world.

Special Education & Gifted Education

When your school includes a diverse community of learners, you must have the best tools in hand for addressing the needs of all students with grace and skill. These resources for special educators offer tried-and-true advice, practical tools, and evidence-based strategies for success.


Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS), Response to Intervention (RTI), and Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS)—our professional development resources help you understand all of these approaches and successfully implement them in your school. These research-based books will advise you on how to deal with learning difficulties and challenging behavior and how to create a positive school environment.

Professional Learning

“Just as every child deserves an excellent education, every educator deserves the opportunity to learn, grow, and be honored as a professional. At Corwin, we believe that professional learning is what makes teacher growth and school change possible. Here you’ll find the practical resources and trusted experts to help you walk the talk as the leader of a thriving community of adult and student learners.”

Dan Alpert, Program Director

School Counseling

Corwin’s school counseling resources provide the most current, evidence-based practices and tools for optimizing services for students. Whether you are a school counselor, teacher, or school leader, you'll find just what you need to help your students be successful.

School Safety, Student Discipline, & Bullying Prevention

What do you do when kids act out? How do you manage bullying? How does your school ensure a safe environment for all? These professional development resources are filled with useful tools to help all stakeholders—from principals to teachers and everyone in between—navigate discipline issues, classroom management, and behavior challenges while helping students achieve success.


“Whether it is the air we breathe, the noises we hear, or the machines we use, almost everything we do on a daily basis is somehow connected to science! With authors such as Page Keeley, Cary Sneider, David Sousa, and more, Corwin has you covered across a wide range of topics from general science methods to formative assessment to the ever-growing focus on STEM. Our Science and STEM resources promote experiential learning opportunities and real-world preparation for today’s diverse students.”
