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Kayla Shook, also known as Texas Teaching Fanatic, has been teaching 4th grade for 9 years in central Texas. She works with teachers throughout the state to implement successful writing strategies. She lives with her husband and son in San Marcos, TX.
With more than 30 years in education, Jayne Hover has taught elementary, middle, and high school and been an administrator in several roles. She loves helping kids develop confidence through writing and has been instrumental in improving scores drastically on state-mandated tests.
Curriculum & Instruction: Emergent/Early Literacy
Curriculum & Instruction: General Methods, K-12
Curriculum & Instruction: Math Methods, Early and Elementary
Curriculum & Instruction: Math Methods, Middle/Secondary
Curriculum & Instruction: Middle/Secondary Literature
Curriculum & Instruction: Multicultural Education
Curriculum & Instruction: Reading Assessment, Diagnosis, Remediation
Curriculum & Instruction: Reading Comprehension
Curriculum & Instruction: Science Methods, Elementary
Curriculum & Instruction: Science Methods, Middle/Secondary