Before retirement, Linda Carstens was the Director of Professional Learning at the School Redesign Network at the School of Education, Stanford University. She has over 30 years of district-level administrator experience in California, in San Diego City Schools, and other school districts, primarily in the areas of standards, assessment, curriculum and instruction as part of systemic reform, and in services for English Language Learners. She also served as a Visiting Educator in the
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Michelle Trujillo is Co-Founder of the Center for Learning and Well-Being and passionate about igniting hope in schools and the workplace! A lifelong educator, Michelle is known to make a tangible, sustainable, and positive difference through her books, keynotes, and interactive workshops. Named Nevada’s 2016 Innovative Educator of the Year, Michelle has appeared on television (including Oprah), podcasts, and radio stations across the nation.
Lisa Cranston has over thirty years of experience as an educator and has taught grades kindergarten to four, worked as an instructional coach for literacy and mathematics, and as an educational consultant for kindergarten and primary grades. She has also provided induction for new teachers and support for their mentors. In her role as a curriculum consultant, Lisa and her colleagues developed the Lab Class model to support professional learning for teachers and administrators.
Bill Adair earned his undergrad and teacher’s certificate at Simon Fraser University and his master’s degree at San Diego State. His innovative teaching model was a response to growing anxiety, low resiliency, and motivational challenges in his classroom. Bill lives and teaches in Vancouver British Columbia. He enjoys presenting at workshops and conferences and passionately shares his model with university teacher training programs.
Matthew Johnson is an English teacher from Ann Arbor, Michigan. He is also a husband and father, and over the last decade he has read, thought, and written about how teachers can balance teaching with all of the other important roles they play in their lives.
Warren Berger is the creator of the popular website and author of The Book of Beautiful Questions: The Powerful Questions That Will Help You Decide, Create, Connect, and Lead (Bloomsbury, 2018) and A More Beautiful Question: The Power of Inquiry to Spark Breakthrough Ideas (Bloomsbury, 2014)—all focusing on the power of inquiry to improve your daily life.