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4439 Results Found


Yeh, Cathery

Cathery Yeh

Cathery Yeh. My students, their caregivers, and the communities I have had the privilege to work with remind me daily that students’ identities and their sense of belonging shape learning. I started teaching 24 years ago, beginning my tenure in dual-language classrooms

Thanheiser, Eva

Eva Thanheiser

Eva Thanheiser is a mathematics teacher educator. She is a professor of mathematics education at Portland State University in Portland, Oregon. Eva teaches mathematics content courses for elementary and middle school teachers. She contextualizes much of the mathematics content in social and political contexts.

Frangiosa, David K.

David K. Frangiosa

David Frangiosa has spent 14 years as a high school science teacher, teaching biology, chemistry, physics and a number of science electives. Over that time, he has been a driving force in many initiatives across multiple districts. He developed, wrote curriculum for and taught two courses for a medical academy. As part of this initiative, high school students were placed in allied health internships at a local hospital.

Gonzalez Ojeda, Alejandro

Alejandro Gonzalez Ojeda

Alejandro Gonzalez Ojeda, Ed.D. is an assistant professor of educational leadership at San Diego State University, and a technology leader at Health Sciences High & Middle College. Alejandro has introduced innovative practices and led professional development around blended and distance learning through his work as a practitioner, researcher, and author.

Mekhitarian, Stepan

Stepan Mekhitarian

Dr. Stepan Mekhitarian serves as the Director of Innovation, Instruction, Assessment, and Accountability for Glendale Unified School District, and he was one of the main leaders responsible for transitioning the large district to distance learning in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Stepan previously served as the Coordinator of Data and Blended Learning in Los Angeles Unified School District.

Martinez, Hilda E.

Hilda Elizabeth Martinez

Hilda Martinez, a National Board-Certified teacher, specializes in early literacy and works as an RTI teacher in inner-city schools, helping to design and implement plans for students requiring Tier 2 and 3 support.

Volk, Katherine T.

Katherine T. Volk

Katie Volk, M.A., is a child development specialist with a particular focus on early childhood and families living in poverty. She has worked with hundreds of community organizations to provide training and technical assistance in the United States and Australia, particularly focused on implementing trauma-informed practices.

Renwick, Matt

Matthew Renwick

Matt Renwick has served in public education for over 20 years. He started as a 5th and 6th-grade teacher in a country school outside of Wisconsin Rapids, WI. Matt now serves as an elementary principal for the Mineral Point Unified School District. See more of his work at 

Bronwyn Ryrie Jones

Bronwyn Ryrie Jones is a career teacher and teacher educator at the University of Melbourne (Graduate School of Education). She is also Director of Professional Practice at Teaching Sprints.
