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Edmundo Norte

Edmundo Norte teaches for the Leading for Diversity Master of Science Degree program (a collaboration between California State University, Hayward, and Art, Research, and Curriculum Associates in Oakland, California); is an Education Specialist providing technical assistance in curriculum development to charter schools in Oakland; and is an educational consultant on issues of power and perceptions, educational leadership, Latino/a culture, and transfor­mative education.

Susan E. Sather

Susan E. Sather is a senior program advisor at the Northwest Regional Educational Laboratory (NWREL) in Portland, OR. She leads the Laboratory’s professional learning teams (PLT) work, supervising and conducting PLT training in schools around the nation. She also contributes to research on issues such as high school academic rigor. Sather has 38 years of experience in education, 17 as a teacher working with a dropout prevention program and in special education.

Ernest Walker

Ernest W. Walker is the Diversity Programs Coordinator with Alameda County Social Services Agency. He has a wide range of experiences in diversity and conflict management among African American churches. He has served as a facilitator of the film The Color of Fear. He has also worked with churches in conflict, and in strategic planning and team building for nonprofits and government agencies. He is a former consultant with the Alban Institute and is currently a contract mediator with the U.S.

Bongolan, Lorraine S.

Lorraine (Rain) S. Bongolan

Rain S. Bongolan has supported over 120 beginning secondary teachers as a mentor for the Santa Cruz New Teacher Project. Her contributions to the profession reflect 22 years of teaching history and English at the middle and high school levels, and her dedication to ensuring students’ access to rigorous, culturally responsive instruction.

Karen B. Miller

Karen B. Miller has taught elementary school for more  than 20 years in grades 1–4. She currently teaches at Roby Elementary in Bullitt County, Kentucky. For two years, she participated as a teacher-researcher on the study, “Children’s Academic Development in Nongraded Primary Programs,” funded by the Center for Research on Education, Diversity, and Excellence (CREDE) at the University of California at Santa Cruz.

Gayle H. Moore

Gayle H. Moore recently retired after teaching elementary school for 31 years at grades K–8, including 9 years in the nongraded primary program at LaGrange Elementary in Oldham County, Kentucky. Throughout that time, she participated as a teacher-researcher on studies related to the nongraded primary.

Joy G. Dryfoos

JoyG.Dryfoos, Hastings-on-Hudson, New York, is an independent consultant and writer partially supported by the Carnegie Corporation. She has written four books and more than 100 articles on programs related to adolescent behav­ior, prevention programs, school-based health clinics, and full-service commu­nity schools. In addition, Joy has served on the National Academy of Science’s panels on teen pregnancy, high-risk youth, and comprehensive school health.

Sue Maguire

SueMaguire, North Bennington, Vermont, has been an educator since 1977, a teacher for 15 years, and an administrator for 10 years. She is currently the principal at Molly Stark School in Bennington, Vermont, and is an adjunct instructor in graduate administration courses at Massachusetts College of Lib­eral Arts in North Adams. She lives with her husband, Greg, and their two chil­dren, Chris and Kara.

Weller, L. David

L. David Weller

L. David Weller, Jr. is a professor in the Department of Educational Leadership at the University of Georgia. He has been a high school teacher, a middle school principal, and department head of middle school education at the University of Georgia. Weller serves a consultant to public and private schools and universities in the areas of organizational development and Total Quality management, and has served as a visiting lecturer at several British universities.

Weller, Sylvia J.

Sylvia J. Weller

Syvia J. Weller is assistant superintendent for curriculum and instruction for Barrow County Schools in Barrow County, Georgia. She has been a high school teacher of gifted and advanced placement English, an assistant principal, personnel director, and director of secondary curriculum. Weller has won many awards for her teaching and leaderships skills.

Chapman, Carolyn M.

Carolyn M. Chapman

Carolyn Chapman is an international educational consultant, author, and teacher who has taught in kindergarten to college classrooms. Her interactive, hands-on professional development training sessions challenge educators to use strategies that ensure success for learners of all ages. Chapman has written many books about differentiated instruction, multiple intelligences, multiple assessments, and the brain-compatible classroom.
