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Rudney, Gwen L.

Gwen L. Rudney

Gwen L. Rudney, PhD, is an Associate Professor of Education at the University of Minnesota, Morris. A teacher of language arts and social studies at the middle school level for more than a decade, her teaching and research interests include classroom processes, teacher development, multicultural education, and working with parents. She has worked with student teachers and cooperating teachers in regional, national, and international settings.

Guillaume, Andrea M.

Andrea M. Guillaume

Andrea M. Guillaume, Ph.D., is a Professor in the Department of Elementary and Bilingual Education at California State University, Fullerton. Her fields of interest include teacher cognition and devel-opment, and content area instruction. She works with practicing and prospective teachers through Professional Development Schools and through a teacher induction project. She may be reached via e-mail at

Wilkinson, Pamela Fannin

Pamela Fannin Wilkinson

Pamela Fannin Wilkinson is a writer, teacher, and consultant for education and business with more than twenty years of experience. She served as an Artist-in-Education under Texas Commission on the Arts and publishes regularly. Pam develops programs for public and private schools, as well as for businesses. She holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Education from Southwestern University, Georgetown, Texas.

McNutt, Margaret A.

Margaret A. McNutt

Margaret A. McNutt has over 20 years of experience in both public and private education at all grade levels. Her roles include classroom teacher, administrator, curriculum developer, and tech­nology designer. Margaret serves as a consultant to schools regarding staff development, student achievement in all subject areas, and technology design. Margaret holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in English and a Master of Arts degree in Education from Austin College, Sherman, Texas.

Esther S. Friedman

Esther S. Friedman has extensive experience as teacher, school administrator, program developer, and trainer for both parent and teacher groups in public and private settings. She has served in organizations at the national, state, and local level. Esther holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in Education from State University of New York at Potsdam and a Master of Library Science degree in School Library and Media from the University of Oklahoma. She is a candidate for an Ed.D.

Lisa Maria Burke

Lisa Maria Burke, M. Ed., is a teacher, trainer, and author. She has taught in both regular education and inclusion settings as well as teaching reading resource, college, and continuing education courses. Lisa also has worked as an instructional resource teacher, supporting teachers as a curriculum and instruction specialist. Lisa’s workshops and seminars for teachers focus on effective teaching, especially planning and instructional strategies.

Campbell, Linda M.

Linda M. Campbell

Linda Campbell has extensive experience at all levels of education, including as a former public school K-12 teacher and NEA school restructuring specialist, and currently as a professor of education at Antioch University Seattle. In addition to serving as the University’s project director for the Gates Foundation Early College Initiative for Native Youth, she is a consultant and a presenter.

Smilkstein, Rita

Rita Smilkstein

Dr. Smilkstein speaks nationally and internationally on brain-compatible education. She has taught in middle school through graduate school including 28 years at North Seattle Community College. Currently Professor Emerita North Seattle Community College and invited faculty in Educational Psychology at Western Washington University's Woodring College of Education, Everett Campus. Publications include articles and books on brain-based curriculum and pedagogy.

Jacobs, George M.

George M. Jacobs

George M. Jacobs has a PhD in Educational Psychology from the University of Hawaii and a master’s degree in Linguistics from the University of Illinois—Chicago. He has been teaching courses on cooperative learning since 1988. He has published many articles on the topic and is also a coauthor of Learning Cooperative Learning via Cooperative Learning: A Sourcebook of Lesson Plans for Teacher Education (1997).

Power, Michael P.

Michael P. Power

Michael A. Power has a PhD in Educational Psychology and a master’s degree in English as a Second Language from the University of Hawaii. He is the Director of Instruction and Assessment for the Mercer Island, Washington, school district. He has taught English as a second language in the United States, Japan, and the Republic of Korea, and has, for many years, conducted training throughout the Pacific in instructional strategies for teachers (including cooperative learning).

Loh Wan Inn

Loh Wan Inn has an EdD in Science Education from the State University of New Jersey and master’s degrees in Education (First Honors) and in Arts from Trinity College, University of Dublin. She is a chartered biolo-gist (Institute of Biology, UK). She has lived and worked in the United States, Singapore, Ireland, and Australia. She has taught courses on science, mathematics, science education, environmental education, coop-erative learning, curriculum design, and multiple intelligences.

Edward T. Joyner

Edward T. Joyner, Ed.D., is the Executive Director of the Yale School Development Program. He served as the SDP's first director of training, was the original designer of the SDP Leadership Development Academies, and initiated university-public school partnerships to strengthen local school reform efforts.
