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Julie A. Sliva Spitzer

Julie Sliva Spitzer brings a rich background in mathematics, technology, and special education. As an associate professor of mathematics education at San Jose State University, she teaches methods of mathematics instruction to aspiring educators and supervises their field experiences. Julie continues to enjoy inservice work with teachers Grades K–12.

Lepard, David H.

David H. Lepard

David H. Lepard began his career in education in Pomona, California, completing his master’s degree at Claremont Graduate University and doctorate from the University of Massachusetts where he directed a micro teaching clinic for future teachers. He assisted with early pilots the National Association of Secondary School Principals’ (NASSP) principal assessment center program and later directed the first principal assessment center program in Prince William County, Virginia.

Smutny, Joan F.

Joan Franklin Smutny

Joan Franklin Smutny is founder and director of the Center for Gifted, a Northern Illinois University Partner. She directs programs for thousands of bright, talented, and gifted children in the Chicago area annually. She also teaches creative writing in many of these programs as well as courses on gifted education for graduate students at the university level.

Lindley, Frederick A.

Frederick A. Lindley

Frederick A. Lindley is an adjunct instructor at the University of Dayton. He has worked in higher education for the past seven years, following a 36-year career in Ohio public schools, with 34 years as a school principal. During the past five years, Lindley has served as the coordinator of the Southwest Region of the Ohio Department of Education "Entry-Year Principal" project.

Bartell, Carol A.

Carol A. Bartell

Carol A. Bartell has been interested in teacher induction since 1988, when she first became involved with what was then the California New Teacher Project, a pilot project with fifteen districts in California.

Carol M. Roberts

Carol Roberts is a professor emerita from the University of La Verne, where she taught Leadership in the Doctoral Program. She advised doctoral students, chaired dissertations, and taught a variety of leadership courses, primarily in personal leadership, communication, conflict, and coaching. She has served as a consultant and seminar leader specializing in organizational and team development, strategic planning, conflict resolution, coaching, and personal mastery. Dr.

Mary Ann Lachat

Dr. Mary Ann Lachat is Co-founder and President of the Center for Resource Management, Inc. (CRM), a professional-services firm dedicated to helping schools achieve equity and high quality learning for all students. She has more than 30 years of experience with school reform initiatives at state and local levels, and she has worked extensively with state education agencies and school district teams in addressing issues for diverse learners.

James F. Newman

James F. Newman has been an educator for over 25 years, working both as a teacher and a principal. He has been the principal of North Side elementary school in East Williston, New York, for the past 14 years. Prior to his current position, he was the principal of Centre Avenue School in East Rockaway for 2 years and an elementary teacher in a number of districts on Long Island for 12 years.

Mandel, Scott M.

Scott Mitchell Mandel

Scott M. Mandel is a National Board-certified teacher in the Los Angeles Unified School District. He has worked as a teacher, administrator, and inservice leader for more than 25 years. The author of nine teacher education books, Mandel is also the founder and director of the Teachers Helping Teachers Web site. He received his PhD in curriculum and instruction from the University of Southern California.
