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Singleton, Glenn E.

Glenn E. Singleton

Glenn Singleton has devoted over thirty years to constructing racial equity worldwide and developing leaders to do the same. Author, thought leader, and strategist, he is the creator of Courageous Conversation a protocol and framework for sustained, deepened dialogue, and Beyond Diversity, the curriculum that has taught hundreds of thousands of people how to use it.

Linton, Curtis W.

Curtis Wallace Linton

Curtis Linton is a co-owner of The School Improvement Network where he is co-executive producer of The Video Journal of Education and TeachStream. He has spent the last 10 years documenting on video and in print the improvement efforts and best practices of the most suc­cessful schools and school systems across North America. Each year, he visits more than 100 classrooms and schools, capturing what they do to succeed with all students at the classroom, school, and system levels.

Kurtis S. Meredith

Kurt Meredith is presently serving as Interim assistant provost for international programs at the University of Northern Iowa. He is also an associate professor in Literacy Education. He is internationally known for his work in school restructuring and democratic educational practices.

Jeannie L. Steele

Jeannie Steele is a professor of literacy education at the University of Northern Iowa where she was awarded the Iowa Board of Regents Award for faculty excellence. Formerly a classroom teacher for over 20 years, she then served as consultant for educational reform for school districts in the U.S and is Past President of the Virginia State Reading Association. She received a Ph.D. from The University of Virginia in 1985.

Timothy J. McNamara

Dr. Timothy J. McNamara is a private mathematics consultant specializing in K-12 systemic improvement efforts for schools and school districts nationwide. Tim has served as both a math teacher and curriculum supervisor in western New York since 1975. He has taught students from grade seven through fourteen, at all levels of ability from remedial to gifted, and in both public and private-school settings.

Sarah E. von Fremd

S.E. von Fremd is an independent scholar, writer, and editor with a background in education, cultural studies, and dance. She performed with the Never Stop Moving Dance Company in Chicago under the direction of Reynaldo Martinez and taught creative dance and theater to children in the city and surrounding areas. Her interest in creativity and culture eventually led her to do a doctorate in performance studies at Northwestern University.

Bjork, Lars G.

Lars Gordon Bjork

Dr. Björk is an associate professor in the Department of Administration and Supervision at the University of Kentucky, Co-Director of the University Council for Educational Administration’s Joint Program Center for the Study of the Superintendency, and a Senior Associate Editor of Educational Administration Quarterly.

Collier, Virginia

Virginia Collier

Virginia Collier is a Clinical Associate Professor at Texas A&M University. She served as a teacher, principal and superintendent in the Texas schools for thirty-five years. Governor George W. Bush appointed her as a member of the Texas State Board of Educator. Dr. Collier served as the first female president of the Texas Association of School Administrators and is active in the American Association of School Administrators.

Glass, Thomas Eugene

Thomas Glass

Thomas Glass is Professor of Leadership at the University of Memphis. Over the past three decades, he has served as a faculty member at Northern Illinois University, Washington State University, The University of Detroit and Indiana University. He is a former visiting scholar in the Department of Educational Studies at the University of Oxford and is a member of Green College.

Hopkins, Martha H.

Martha H. Hopkins

Martha H. Hopkins (Marty) is Professor of Education at the University of Central Florida. Before joining the university Marty taught Grades 2, 3, 4, and 5 in public and private schools in New Jersey and Florida and coordinated a Title I Math program in Ocala, Florida. She received her Masters of Education degree at the University of Florida and her PhD at The Florida State University.

Duffy, Mary Lou

Mary Louise Duffy

Dr. Mary Lou Duffy is an associate professor of Exceptional Student Education at Florida Atlantic University. Dr. Duffy’s interest in mentoring stems from her work with pre and in service teachers in the local school districts in South Florida. She has had the opportunity to work with new teachers to help them learn practical ways to solve management and instructional problems.

Forgan, James W.

James W. Forgan

James W. Forgan, Ph.D., is an Associate Professor of Special Education at Florida Atlantic University where he teaches undergraduate and graduate courses. He is the principal investigator for the Southeast Regional Comprehensive System of Personnel Development Professional Partnership and on a United States Department of Education grant to increase the number of master’s level minority special education teachers. Dr.
