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Crawford, Glenda Beamon

Glenda Beamon Crawford

Glenda Beamon Crawford’s experiences with young adolescent learners span nearly thirty years. She has taught in grades 4–12 and currently coordinates the middle grades program at Elon University, where she is a professor of teacher education. She has authored three books, including Managing the Adolescent Classroom and Sparking the Thinking of Students, Ages 10–14, as well as articles on structuring classrooms for adolescent thinking and learning.

Drago-Severson, Eleanor

Eleanor Drago-Severson

Ellie Drago-Severson is Professor of Education Leadership and Adult Learning and Leadership at Teachers College, Columbia University.  A developmental psychologist, Ellie teaches, conducts research, and serves as a consultant to school and district leaders, systems leaders, and teacher leaders in public, charter and private schools and systems—on professional and personal growth and learning; leadership that supports principal, teacher, school, and leaders

Anderson, Sandra

Sandra Anderson

Sandra E. Anderson is an educational consultant with Exemplary Education L.L.C., which offers training in strengthening reading and writing achievement and enhancing leadership for literacy.

Hamilton, James L.

James L. Hamilton

Dr. James Hamilton is currently a managing director at the American Institutes for Research (AIR). He is Principal Investigator of the ACCESS Center, which is providing technical assistance to states and school districts to help students with disabilities gain access to the general education curriculum.

Staudt, Carolyn

Carolyn Staudt

Carolyn Staudt is a curriculum designer for technology- and Internet-based projects, including Technology Enhanced Elementary and Middle School Science (TEEMSS 1 & 2), JASON Academy, Modeling Across the Curriculum, Models and Data, Mobile Inquiry Computing, Center for Innovative Learning Technologies (CILT), Science Learning in   Context (SliC), Virtual High School, Global Learning and Observations to Benefit the Environment (GLOBE), Kids as Global Scientists (KGS), and NetAdventure at

Campbell, Bruce

Bruce Campbell

Bruce Campbell has over 30 years of experience at all levels of education and has authored numerous articles and books. As a classroom teacher, he developed a nationally acclaimed elementary model that integrated direct instruction, learning centers, and student projects on a daily basis. Campbell currently teaches high-needs students in the Marysville School District, where he also coaches educators new to the profession.

Kuzmich, Linda M.

Linda Marlene Kuzmich

Lin Kuzmich, of KCS, Inc., is an educational consultant, professor, and author from Loveland, CO. She served the Thompson School District in several roles as the assistant superintendent, executive director of secondary and elementary instruction, director of professional development, and a building principal. Her school was named a 2000 winner of the John R. Irwin Award for Academic Excellence and Improvement.

Cindy A. Strickland

Cindy A. Strickland has been a teacher for twenty-five years and has worked with students of all ages, from kindergarten to master’s degree. A member of the ASCD Differentiation Faculty Cadre, Cindy works closely with Carol Ann Tomlinson and has coauthored several books and articles with her.

Dianne Evans Kelley

Dianne Evans Kelley has taught students with emotional/ behavioral disabilities in both inclusive and more restrictive classrooms for 10 years. Currently, she is an assistant professor in the special education department at Cardinal Stritch University in Milwaukee, WI. She has worked as a special education program support teacher for the Milwaukee Public Schools, where she provided inservice training and classroom-based support to teachers throughout the district.
