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Thousand, Jacqueline S.

Jacqueline Sue Thousand

Jacqueline S. Thousand, Ph.D., is Professor Emerita at California State University San Marcos, where she designed and coordinated special education professional preparation and Master’s degree programs in the College of Education, Health, and Human Services.

Nevin, Ann I.

Ann I. Nevin

Ann I. Nevin is professor emerita at Arizona State University and visiting professor at Florida International University. The author of books, research articles, and numerous chapters, Nevin is recognized for her scholarship and dedication to providing meaningful, practice-oriented, research-based strategies for teachers to integrate students with special learning needs.

Mack-Kirschner, Adrienne M.

Adrienne Marilyn Mack-Kirschner

Adrienne Mack-Kirschner, Ed.D., NBCT, is an education consultant and speaker with vast experience as a classroom teacher, mentor, writer, literacy coach, and support provider for candidates applying for Certification throught the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards (NBPTS). She developed and directed NB support programs at the University of California, Los Angeles, and for the Los Angeles County Office of Education.

Bloom, Gary S.

Gary S. Bloom

Gary Bloom is the lead author of Blended Coaching: Supporting the Development and Supervision of School Leaders. Gary has 40 years of K–12 education experience, having served as a bilingual teacher, principal, director of curriculum, and assistant superintendent.

Claire L. Castagna

Claire Castagna is a program director and outreach consultant for the New Teacher Center’s administrator induction program, Coaching School Leaders to Attain Student Success.  She has 28 years experience in education as a bilingual teacher, bilingual program coordina

Betsy Warren

Betsy Warren has worked in the field of education for thirty years. As a classroom teacher she taught grades 6-12 in four states. She was a teacher leader active in both local and state levels of teacher association activities. After completing her Masters degree in School Administration, she worked as district coordinator of curriculum and staff development.

Steve Benson

Steven R. Benson is an Associate Professor of Mathematics at Lesley University in Cambridge, Massachusetts, where he teaches a variety of mathematics content courses for traditional undergraduate students and in-service mathematics teachers. Before joining the Lesley faculty, Dr.

Susan Addington

Susan Addington is a professor of Mathematics at California State University,San Bernardino. Though her doctoral work was in arithmetic algebraic geometry (a field that includes almost every mathematical area except statistics),she now spends most of her time thinking about math education. Her educational interests include teacher preparation (elementary through college), ethnomathematics, and the use of technology to teach traditionally difficult ideas.

Nina Arshavsky

Nina P.Arshavsky is a Math Coach at Boston Public Schools, providing professional development to high school math teachers. She received her doctoral degree in educational psychology from the University of Wisconsin-Madison and taught mathematics in middle and high schools in both Russia and the US. Dr.
