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187 Results Found for "CAN"


Speaking Out: Public Speaking with Conviction
Speaking Out: Public Speaking with Conviction

The number-one fear of mankind is public speaking, according to various studies. While we can’t guarantee that we can alleviate all of your students’ stage fright, we can provide you with this lesson from High-Impact Writing Clinics to make their forays into oral presentations a bit more successful with helpful hints to alleviate their fears.


Podcast: Teaching, Learning and Trauma
Podcast: Teaching, Learning and Trauma

The essential theme underlying this series is highlighted right in the podcast’s subtitle: a whole community approach. That means, to effectively identify and lessen the impact of student trauma requires mental health practitioners, faculty members, parents, and community members to work together. Brooke O’Drobinak, an administrator, teacher, and instructional coach, and Beth Kelley, a trauma informed consultant and conscious leadership coach offer a number of powerful ideas on how educators — without extensive training — can contribute to reducing the effects of trauma. That awareness and effort can in turn give educators greater confidence that they can have the desired impact.

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Blog: 4 Traits of a Governance Mindset
Blog: 4 Traits of a Governance Mindset

4 Traits of a Governance Mindset: How School Boards and Superintendents Can Create Effective Governance Systems. Read here. 

10 Minute Teacher Podcast: Rebound, How Do Schools Bounce Back After the Pandemic?
10 Minute Teacher Podcast: Rebound, How Do Schools Bounce Back After the Pandemic?

Douglas Fisher reflects on the book Rebound and how we can shift from learning loss to how we can accelerate learning. 

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Teacher Collective Credibility and Efficacy
Teacher Collective Credibility and Efficacy

In this excerpt from PLC+, the authors discuss factors that can contribute to an individual teacher’s success, including credibility and efficacy, and how, through PLCs, these strengths can become collective to benefit the school as a whole.


Webinar: Beautiful Questions in the Classroom
Webinar: Beautiful Questions in the Classroom

Why does engagement plummet as learners advance in school? Why does the stream of questions from curious toddlers slow to a trickle as they become teenagers? Most importantly, what can teachers and schools do to reverse this trend? Join Warren Berger and Elise Foster as they discuss how educators can transform their classrooms into cultures of curiosity.

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Podcast: Examining Student Trauma Through the Lens of Race
Podcast: Examining Student Trauma Through the Lens of Race

Along with their home and natural environments, a child’s community is now recognized as a potential contributor to adverse childhood experiences. The results can be devastating for development. Substandard schools, intolerance, discrimination, and racism can lead to chronic health issues, minimum employment, and long-term poverty. Authors and educators Victoria Romero and Justin Hendrickson take us through an explanation.

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How Feedback Works Webinar
How Feedback Works Webinar

This webinar will explore best practices around feedback and how it can best be utilized to impact student learning. Participants will learns do's and don'ts of effective feedback; how feedback can develop assessment capable learners; and tools for using feedback as part of teaching and learning.

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Understanding Students Through Their Perspectives Webinar
Understanding Students Through Their Perspectives Webinar

This interactive webinar presented by Dr. Tommie Mabry provides teachers with real-world insight into how shifting their own perspective on their students can transform the educational process. By taking a deep dive into what shapes students’ perspectives, educators can better understand the beliefs, values, and experiences of students who have been labeled as “troubled” or “at risk.”

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TEDx Talk: How Hope Drives Your Potential, Resiliency, and Success
TEDx Talk: How Hope Drives Your Potential, Resiliency, and Success

Cathleen Beachboard is on a mission to show how the science of hope can improve outcomes for those with trauma and anxiety. Through a deeply moving journey to help her five adopted children overcome a past of abuse and neglect, Cathleen shares valuable tools on how we can use hope to increase our resiliency, happiness, and success.

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Webinar: 7 Mindshifts for School Leaders
Webinar: 7 Mindshifts for School Leaders

How do we think about the most vexing problems in education? In this webinar, you will hear how applying new mindshifts can re-energize your belief that you can solve long-standing problems in education. New ways of thinking about old problems like equity, teacher retention, grading, and reading ability will unlock the solutions you’ve been looking for.

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The Case for Teaching Critical Reading and Fighting Fake News
The Case for Teaching Critical Reading and Fighting Fake News

In this introduction to Fighting Fake News, the authors explore fake news and where we find it, how it can affect us, and why it can be dangerous and problematic for today’s students.

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