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187 Results Found for "CAN"


Textbook Tamers Graphic Organizers
Textbook Tamers Graphic Organizers

These graphic organizers from The Nonfiction NOW Lesson Bank are tools that students can use throughout a reading and writing unit to help clarify their thinking.


Keep CALM and Teach Activity: Visualize Your Ideal Classroom
Keep CALM and Teach Activity: Visualize Your Ideal Classroom

In this complimentary activity from Keep CALM and Teach, teachers can engage in the first step toward having a CALM classroom: visualizing their ideal classroom.


Excerpt: Ramping Up Complex Texts
Excerpt: Ramping Up Complex Texts

Just giving students complex text doesn’t mean they will read and understand it. Read this excerpt from Rigorous Reading to learn more about how you can ramp up complex texts.


Checklist: Feedback Starters and Responses
Checklist: Feedback Starters and Responses

Use these feedback starters and responses from Teaching the Whole Teen by Rachel Poliner and Jeffrey Benson to inform your strategies for delivering feedback in your classroom that students can use.


Self-Reflection: Developing My Best Self
Self-Reflection: Developing My Best Self

Use this self-reflection tool from Teaching the Whole Teen by Rachel Poliner and Jeffrey Benson with your students and help them discover what gets in the way of being their best selves and how they can further develop themselves.


Letter from the Authors
Letter from the Authors

In this letter from This Is Balanced Literacy, Grades K-6, by Douglas Fisher, Nancy Frey, and Nancy Akhavan, the authors briefly discuss their view of what balanced literacy is and the impact it can have on teaching and learning.

